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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. Pennington couldnt throw a deep ball BEFORE his surgery. He would kinda float one up. there that may have gone 40-50 yards if it caught the wind right.
  2. Agreed... but it was still watchable---sort of. I wasn't riveted like I usually am.
  3. Democratic talking points. Next thing you'll be telling me is that she was friends with domestic terrorists. Nice try.
  4. Completely agree Badol... And people need to stop being so defensive just because Trent's 'only decent' arm is mentioned. He gets the ball there with a nice spiiiiral and he knows his limitations. He has a quick delivery and great instincts and he doesn't panick at all. He can hit Lee 40 yards down the field....it doesn't have to be 60 if the timing is right.In fact its often better if the receiver makes the grab after 40-50 yards on a bomb vs 60yds...--play gets off quicker and QB doesnt get killed.
  5. I'm not sure Schobel and Kelsay are good passrushers because they don't put enough consistent pressure on...well I guess it depends on one's definition of good.I'd say average to above average. Other than that its a good article to explain the Bills to non-fans
  6. Lefties in general have deteriorated greatly over the past generation. They have shamed the great liberals of the past. Those who are frantically attacking Sarah Palin while ignoring an foibles of Obama are typical.
  7. aaahhhh..wish I had that contract....oh welllll
  8. Why? 10 out of 32 aint bad. 2 games...don't get carried away.
  9. don't hate him...he is a nice guy...and very talented...and dumber than a load of bricks when games are on the line.
  10. They usually self destruct. Thats a good thing. HOWEVER, I do like Wade so the hatred is not in the league of Patriothatred.
  11. superbowl reprise...could he have at least done SOMETHING not stupid that last drive? 1.Didn't run when he had a wide open field for a first down. 2. Gets sacked when he had 10 seconds to either do something down the field or at least throw the ball away---so double damage of having to burn a TO as well as losing more yards. 3.On fourth doesn't even give the WRs a chance for a jump ball.Holcomb.
  12. I'm sort of on the outskirts....-so its not quite as bad. But you have to laugh--These people think they are in the mainstream..
  13. o great another o so smart leftie... --gee you don't live in the bay area do you?
  14. I'd say his arm is 'sufficiently' strong..not plenty strong. I don't think he can throw the ball much more than 50 yards...but in todays NFL you don't need that. He gets the ball there--and that is fine.
  15. Im impressed with Trent as a QB but he does NOT have anything close to a strong arm.
  16. deep? that ball was in the air about 35 yds....
  17. Who put you here ace?.....Moms Mabley??
  18. supposedly there are some towns north of galveston on the coast that got it even worse
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