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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. Yes he is 32...meaning he has about a year or two left of good football. Time marches on. I say we give up a 4th for him.
  2. He is waaay to old to garner a #1 pick. They are deluding themsleves. Of course the Redskins might make that deal...
  3. not a ridiculous suggestion.....-but we need a good backup QB.....-and Gonzo is getting old....
  4. Yeah those are good shows...--but I guess I just liked the style of the Sopranos,Deadwood... Entourage surprised me--the last episode was pretty good.Liked when the bday cake was puked on..
  5. Yu know I agree with you about JFC...it coulda been amzing...-but they blew it with the JOHN character...--too spacey. JOHN needed to make more sense.But what a great setting...that sorta rundown socal beachtown.
  6. Hey man....You make Bills fans especially proud.
  7. i gotta rent the first 2 seasons of dexter. Heard it is great.
  8. Sopranos,,6 Feet Under, Deadwood......all tremendous shows in their own different ways. Where is anything decent now??? Wish they woulda continued Deadwood...that had a lot of life left in it.... And John from Cincinnati--great setting excellent actors--but an unbelievable(literally) premise . The actual John in that series made absolutely no sense.Too bad on that one--such interesting characters.
  9. I don't have a huge problem with Schobel--he gives it 100%. Problem is he is very small for a DE and gets tossed around out there-----manhandled....-and some deluded people think he is better than he really is.He gets paid too much(not his fault of course)...and he just doesnt put the pressure on with any consistency. The occasional sack--usually not at crucial times --does not make up for his being such a non-factor. I'm really astonished that the guy makes mega millions. Oh well....-I hope he does well this year. We are gonna need some D line pressure against the good teams with the vet QBs.
  10. I don't visualize VY as a QB.But he could create havoc in the league with his immense talent if he is used properly.
  11. I agree somewhat..but I'm taking about moving beyond that. Instead of having someone being a bust and out of the league ...at the very least let him be a part of an imaginative offense where he can catch passes run and occasionally line up at QB in an imaginative offense with some out of the box thinking and plays.
  12. yeah Ive watched it a couple of times---not at all sold yet....but I'll give it more of a chance..
  13. Why are amazingly talented football players like these not used properly in the NFL?? Of course you can't turn these guys into prototype QBs.--Why not use them as RB/receiver/backup QBs who can add a ton of variety to the offense and keep the D on its heels? I remember SS and some of his amazing runs early in his career before they ruined him and tried to turn him into something he wasn't. Same thing happening now with VY. Its ridiculous. VY has very good winning football instincts--which he showed at Texas. What a waste if they try to make him into something he isn't.
  14. JP never showed great poise in the pocket or great decision making. Thats what Trent has. So the situation is much different.
  15. The thing about Trent is that he has shown the things very few young QBs have--poise in the pocket and good decision making. I would say he is about the 10th best in the league right now easily.--JP never showed those 2 essential QB traits.
  16. --And Cribbs was a small guy...weighed maybe 185-190...small for a feature back.
  17. He had a much better arm than Trent. His ball had more zip on it. I think TE has at least as much cool in the pocket as Joe had though. TE may become a better QB than Joe was.
  18. You are right Jackass isn't the right word. 'Disturbingly narcissistic' describes it more correctly. Altho most narcissism is disturbing innit?
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