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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. Yeah he is back to his pre '07 form.
  2. The ascendence of the offensive line???? he has proven his consistency in spite of the O line.
  3. Greer followed by POZ followed by COE followed by TE
  4. yeah he will learn...but gosh with that O line collapse--and still hanging in there and finishing so strong..
  5. yeah true with the O line play..
  6. I think TE might have the title in the NFL right now. The guy is amazingly unflappable.
  7. I've mentioned several times that Denver is overrated...Don't even pick them to make the playoffs....altho with that underachieving SD team you never know. Dallas-well they r a bit overrated too. No one in the league looks that good so far.
  8. But according to many on this board you can't gripe because we are 4-0.
  9. Yeah I agree with your post pretty much. But that O line,,,,,,yikes....
  10. what i said is true. Did they not get trampled? Is this 4-0 not shaky? What I did not say is that this team sucks. The O line may suck.
  11. Yeah this was a strange game and this is a strange team. Its been a lonnnng time since I have seen such poor offensive line play on a 4-0 team. We need to start making the playcalling adjustments earlier to make up for our lousy line.
  12. This is not that great of a team. with a few bad breaks we lose this game like we easily coulda lost last game. Having your O line get trampled every week in the first half plus isn't gonna get the job done. Great comeback of course...but come on... This 4-0 is a touch shaky
  13. yeah no sitting back letting them into it
  14. lolol what an effing run!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. what if bills kick a FG?....the they are up 9--out of TD plus 2 range.....
  16. watching game online with volume turned off--its such a pleasure not having to listen to the stupid comments on TV
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