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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. I don't think we have any pro bowlers. TE is the closest thing on O-honorable . On D you are right Poz and Whitner get honorable mention.
  2. Well Willis was right. She has never played in the NFL. And we should never forget that.
  3. ONCE? He said it practially every sentence...It was creepy. What a creepy old guy...sheeesh.
  4. Canseco isn't a scumbag. He is a man with a below average IQ, a big ego,below average maturity..and a lot of honesty. McGwire is a border line hall of famer. He probbly woulda hit 450 homers without the juice.--And he was hitting them out in oakland before he roided up and when only he and Canseco and about 2 other players in the league could actually hit a home run in oakland at nite. Homers were brutal in that stadium with the bay fog and bay breeze blowing in.
  5. We(my dad) had season tickets on the 50 from 1960-1977. Great memories.Your dad definitely has one of the best seats in the house now.
  6. Unfortunately I think humanity has had elements like this in it throughout history. It just gets more pub now.
  7. In case you need a laugh: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3IECY-K3Fog f'ing hilarious but also painful
  8. he pole vaulted to the police station after the crime
  9. way too sensible an approach.....dont mess with our formula of success for the past 10 years
  10. They are blowing right past fatso on the left and fatso on the right even when they aren't blitzing.
  11. Well.....that is about 12% TEs fault. The rest is the abyssmal O line play.
  12. so are you saying that Jose Canseco told the truth about everybody except A-Rod??
  13. cough........cough......yeah we've heard of him...lets go easy on the oblique comparisons at this time though please..
  14. I'm more worried about our O line than anything....In second place are our non-existent DEs and outside passrush.
  15. ive had one or two close to this stupid.....but ive never attained These heights..
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