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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. I've just had a vision of hell.Repent everyone ...repent!
  2. wrongo dean..........she did fine........
  3. Possible movie titles.. Engeorge Jetson 69 woaaah 96
  4. walk a mile in my shoessss
  5. he forgot to mention the snappy new uniforms..---personally---its a matter of courtesy
  6. why tiresome?? I actually think tha #6 is very fair. We haven't been worldbeaters for gosh sake.
  7. True...now it'll get you both ways
  8. ok---but the guy has 3 yrs left and probbly wants 8 million per....lets wait til his play at least gets to the above average level..lol
  9. i heard someone say that on the radio...i chuckled
  10. cripe he'll still have 2 years left----gosh at least wait til he has one year left
  11. he better make the biggest turnaround in history then....-and even then----why rush??? he has zero leverage
  12. 3 yrs left on contract??????? playing like an arsehat?? --lets wait a lonnnnnnnng time before we even talk to this bozo. No rush at all here.
  13. Roger and Me was brilliant. Hilarious and touching as well. OK...very loose fact -wise---but the guy is a liberal... What do you expect?
  14. lol---he DOES look like the BNL guy--but he is the slightly more athletic twin.
  15. Oh Pasta Joe......90% of the movies are slanted toward your political point of view.Give the conservatives a bit of fun time too..sheesh.
  16. I think thats a fair assessment of us. We barely squeaked by 2 and a half of our wins. And we are playing an above average team onthe road.
  17. If Schobel or Peters gets in ..well to me that would be proof that one or both of them has compromising pictures of the commissioner.
  18. yeah it was disturbing...Al the victim..lol
  19. Yeah Moorman is a great punter---but Lechler is ridiculously great. -May be the best I've seen since Ray Guy.
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