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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. Giants DEs vs ours??? There is not much to figure out there.--We should have blitzed the hell out of them all day yesterday---because we were not stopping them at all anyway. We had nothing to lose and everything to gain.
  2. Of course TE cant throw it that far. Does it matter?? Of course not.
  3. agreed....like the RBs are the problem.....lol
  4. There is only one starter who deserves to be benched and that is Melvin Fowler. I believe he is the sole reason why the pass protection and the run blocking is poor. Easy on those meds
  5. Fat Ted got old and Fat Pat went away...as well as that other fat guy in the middle.
  6. I say pay him him $85,000 a year. Thats a good solid income in the Buffalo area. He will have plenty of money to buy a nice house and pay for groceries.
  7. 4. Schobel had a decent game today. The D line can't be judged by this game. They were on the field so much today no significant criticism can be made. They were tired as hell. They were tired of their own making. Schobel again was almost non-existent. He gets tossed around out there.
  8. Just because the D didn't make one single stop the entire first half doesn't mean they played like crap. There has to be a level below crap.
  9. and how they WON as well....9-7 or 10-6....borderline playoffs
  10. We don't pay them enough. Give them a raise..THEN you'll see some pressure.
  11. We neeed to get him signed to that extension ....quickly...before the entire financial system collapses
  12. exactly...i think after about 2 or 3 quarters he would have realized that we werent stopping him anyway---may as well blitz the whole damn D.
  13. yeah yeah my timing was unfortunate on that post;)
  14. RJ has zero sack sensing radar...JP at least has some(not much).
  15. lets not be ridiculous--ive never seen a worse QB than RJ...especially toward the end.....and he got even worse with TB
  16. We'd be better off with some journeymen DEs that we pay under a million to vs our $10 million worth of no shows every frigging week.
  17. Hey JP played like JP plays. Lotta good Lotta bad.---This defeat lays at the hands of our stellar passrush and our D coordinator. Nice adjustments. Way to harrass Warner. Way to not play to his strengths. Brilliant. I think Fewell is up for the Colorado St. job next year though. So things aren't that bad.
  18. time to go out and enjoy a nice sunny day.....now we can't fool ourselves anymore...we are very average
  19. Bills were an embarrassment today. Fewell should take most of the blame. But we just aren't that good. Our lines are just not championship caliber yet. Thats where the games are won.
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