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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. i was joking....McCargo and a 5th I meant.
  2. Why would we get rid of Jackson?? He has been a bright light this year.wrong guy to trade. We should give them McCargo and a 6th.
  3. I disagree. There should be some rule in this circumstance to avoid gamesmanship. Perhaps they should allow some guy with a mirror to deflect the sunlight into the kicker's eyes while we are at it. Fine let them call a timeout--but at a reasonable amt of time before the play is gonna happen. Ice the kicker that way. Not a second before the snap. This is the NFL--not Caddyshack......mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmisssssssssssss
  4. nice chokerrooo Cards....well played//.....there is still hope though
  5. Cross and Fouts same broadcast??/ yikes
  6. Like I said...someone may be stupid enough to trade for him. I'd gladly accept a 1st from st louis:) RJ not being acquired in midseason doesn't make his acquisition any less stupid. And Bledsoe---I think the grandest stupidity was parcells still believing in him enough to drag him to Dallas(---the point being someone wanted him).
  7. Ok-only in reference to the DEs. Is being in the same time zone as the QB too much to ask?
  8. Well---this being halloween...maybe someone has access to one of those giant pumpkin scales
  9. They are using the 'let the other team blow by us or push us into the QB all day til they get winded in the 4th' scheme. Worked like a charm for the first 4 weeks.
  10. --Well lets assume fatboy re-emerges to at least become good again. That would make him better than the utter mediocrity on the rest of our line. No thanks to Housh trade .
  11. so trade the best O lineman we have(and Ive been ripping him) from one of our major weaknesses(our O line) to get a player to bolster one of our strengths(offensive weapons)..........oi vay
  12. Well maybe someone is stupid enough to trade for him. Don't underestimate the intelligence of some GMs in this league. Look how long Bledsoe hung around.......and RJ;)
  13. 1st and change.....yeah thats a good move for our future
  14. Or the Chicago pure as a fresh new snow politics of the man of regal bearing.....the messiah himself...the man of many words and hardly any accomplishments .... his excellency......
  15. I think they need to cook the fish more
  16. I see the main problem as our mediocre O line. I just don't see a big weakness in Marshawn's game. Yes better playcalling could spring him more...-But should we have to rely on trickery? Our O line doesn't run block well or pass block well.Other than that they are doing a good job.
  17. Dan Snyder = Paulie Walnuts LOL--I thought u were serious for a second...LOL---little Danny...
  18. I bet she was;) The IN N out franchises near me must be the worst franchises in the entire chain....which I doubt. Godawful.Thin...leathery...yukkkkkkkkkkk...and gave them a few chances. Now the old Jimmy Mac's in Buffalo-----yeah baby---
  19. Hmmm thats a good topic.... which NFL owners (or anyone else) is represented best by which Sopranos character. Gotta ponder thattttt......
  20. In n OUT----horrible....esp if used to Buffalo area stuff
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