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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. I agree. Several times the SD DEs were getting past our tackles....but TE was able to step up into the pocket because of the lack of inside push. You are spot on.
  2. Right now there is no QB playing better than Trent. Long season, however.
  3. True Blood is improving a bit.
  4. Uh oh.....Bruschi will be giving the Bills the heads up on the Pats playbook as soon as they dump him.
  5. Sustaining drives----eats clock...rests our D...tires their D= winning formula
  6. Their left DE got thru pretty well a few times--but TE stepped up in the pocket to avoid the guy. KUDOS to the center of the line.
  7. absolutely fair...what i would have guessed. Miami is a pretty good team.
  8. Trent ....how much is that guy worth in this league right now??? That guy is gonna be so damn rich...its hard to even imagine. I'm serious. 7 YRS 90 million...40 million guaranteed.
  9. yep...rare that those guys slip thru--but they do occasionally
  10. -yeah esp when he was coaching Crazy Legs Hirsch and the gang
  11. Marv never went for 2 unless he absolutely had to at the end. And he was right. If we missed that 2 pt attempt we would have been only up one score after the field goal.It would have been 22-14. Obvious that going for the PAT was the correct decision. Going for 2 doesn't make sense in MOST cases;especially not with any significant time left in the game.
  12. Yeah but you can make exceptions for the Pol Pots,The Hitlers,the Stalins,and the Olbermans.
  13. You know---games were much better without all the piped in nonsense. I went to games starting in '64(i was a tike) but i remember the atmosphere well. Went to the games at the rockpile all the way thru the early 70s . I think the crowd on its own can get creative in a better way .
  14. Carl Mauck is The Skipper's little brother
  15. yeah..and the equipment manager got fired as well..between the 2 of them they cost NO the game.
  16. farve is playing like he did from 2002-2006...2/3 very good and 1/3 wildly inconsistent
  17. Yes he did(very slightly but what little he had has come mostly back) but he still had a fairly weak arm.. Chad is a good QB. Even before the injury his arm was considered poofy. Looking at him throw now---he is just about back to his original arm strength--which was never much.
  18. some tv preachers(no not all) have used this technique for great profit
  19. I'm no defender of TEs arm... but it is stronger than Chad's has ever been.
  20. St Louie still looks damn good. Going into Washington and beating the Skins...now Dallas..and that after giving us a pretty good game before they choked. Just goes to show you can't make pronouncements on who is awful really early in the season.
  21. since Cowart before the injury
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