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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. One half and 2 huge mistakes........concusssion effects???
  2. yep.........even when lindell squibbbed it perfectly they werent all over him like they shoulda been
  3. Sterling Sharpe....less overall numbers than some. But while he played he was dominant. Better receiver than Reed and Monk. Should be in the Hall.-- The accumulation of numbers over a long career is way overrated.
  4. Anyone ever remember Bobby Chandler dropping a pass??
  5. I have no problem with your list...and it really proves my point....WE NEED MORE LINEMEN in the top 10. Having our DE as our 14th best position player out of 22.....hmmmm
  6. I'll do the interviews. Minimum wage will be fine.
  7. 1. evans 2.trent 3.whitner 4.lynch 5.stroud 6.jackson 7.mitchell 8.greer 9.poz 10.....cant think of anyone for this spot....maybe roscoe Wish we had more than one lineman in this group.
  8. I'd look at a DE from D'Youville college at this point.
  9. Sounds like blessing in guise
  10. yeah I feel a bit bad about commenting on how unwell he looked when discussing the Bills and the possible future move to Toronto. Get well soon Mr Rogers.
  11. Evans followed by Trent. However...if Lindell were a real football player and not just a kicker he would have to be given consideration.
  12. I really disagree with that. What reduced Bennett from a potential hall of famer to just a very good linebacker was lack of hard work. The guy was too relaxed out there on the field and on the sidelines as well. H was amazing his rookie year and it was a slow slide after that.
  13. No lets go stew barber cheap with the guy.....a MILLLLLLLLLION dollars a year for 10 years.
  14. sheesh... at least in CA we have some commerce and businesses...that s scary---i love New York state.... -what's gonna happen to pensions????
  15. lol. so true....-Now when the DEs blow past(thru) our tackles at least Trent can step up into the pocket and not into Fowler and the man Fowler is blocking.
  16. Great stuff....the Cannonball Adderly....gracias
  17. she looks ok for 69...sheeesh what you expect???
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