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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. yeah Bills fans will explode like Spinal Tap drummers if we dont deal with our lines this draft.
  2. Jim Schoenfeld would have slid in front of the DB and prevented the 6
  3. right--the ones who don't toe the line are now racists. Good one Dean.
  4. Hey Richmond...good luck with your situation.--One thing I can recommend--keep that good non-whiny attitude that you have and avoid THE NEWS--because they traffic in bad news. Do those things and you will get something good soon.
  5. Lets hope TE gets over the affects of his concussion soon..and sharpens up by next sunday.
  6. Yes--our rush D is improved. And our QB play has overall improved( last 2 games not withstanding). Other than that we are the same team as '07. Next yr we need some passrushers and a miracle to happen our O line.
  7. ANYONE on this thread??? Matter agrees with me. You need to actually read the thread before making such statements.
  8. It was between the lines. Come on--obvious. But even if he didnt mention it---TE is definitely moving slower and reacting slower than before the hit. Hi sprotection was abyssmal in those games --the early ones--and he still did amazing things. Better protection in later games---miserable drop off--looking very shaky at times. Concussion.
  9. He is the commander of the new civilian security police force. Report to the local commissar immediately for interrogation.
  10. another great Buffalo celeb...lol from Buffalo 'bowling' royalty.......hehe
  11. still doesnt explain his slow reflexes out there....he looks slightly wobbly---not as sharp.
  12. http://www.13wham.com/content/sports/openm...74-e6f7302719a0 concussion--came back too fast even though he had a good game vs San Diego.
  13. im 50--it annoys me as much during the game---but i get over it much much quicker now
  14. well maybe---but perhaps hes trying to juke cuz he is facing a non moving brick wall every time
  15. The ghost of rick Musialowski is out there
  16. Now there is an old school guy. He is up there with the angels certainly.
  17. it WAS on pic 21....see pic 21
  18. Someone changed the pic....or the link has a rolling group of photos...Their originally was this hot Colombian chick on there.lol--thought someone sabotaged it for a joke.
  19. They weren't given the benefit of correct information to make their decision yeah good point
  20. http://news.yahoo.com/nphotos/Most-Recomme...LL3wdyc09XmWMcF
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