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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. glad he hustled on that spike ....sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh...lol
  2. Borderline....2 big things against him are his late start in the NFL and his concussions(whose effects lasted for a few years) I would say at this point close but NO. If he finishes real strong this year...and has another real strong year---he could get in.
  3. I like that show---its higher quality(smaller too) since its been on sirius
  4. This team is in serious trouble. Teams are built with QBs, and O and D lines. The QB part is giving us some doubt now...and the O and D lines are a mess.--Thats what is so annoying to people. We need pro bowl caliber players in the trenches.
  5. yeah sadly it was over in the first QTR. one of the wimpiest gutless performances Ive seen.. the only one out there that showed any fire was Marshawn.
  6. i think maybe its time for us to cheat a little
  7. What is your theory re: Stonehenge?
  8. If Ralph offers him 5 % ownership plus matches any NE salary offer...???????? The question is....could Ralph do this without risking his mortal soul??
  9. His protection was better games 5-9 than in games 1-4...yet he has gotten worse. I don't think lack of confidence in the O line is the issue. Its all on Trent...whether or not its the concussion is the question.
  10. The only reason to put Losman in there would be to let Trent recover from his concussion--or if its not a concussion--let him sit back and gather his wits. Losman has proved he doesn't have the brains to be an NFL QB.
  11. Happy Birthday MARINE!!!!! thank you for you service!!
  12. stopping the run isn't close to being our biggest problem. and i say that with sadness.
  13. They rush the passer like a bunch of Whities..or was that Gilbert???
  14. Yeah but they are laughing all the way to the bank...... ..ooops wrong thread.
  15. well we did have decent lines in the early 2000s---just no QB and 35 yr old DBs.
  16. Marshawn plays like a man. There are a few others.... not many.
  17. lol----and pepto bismol sales in Erie county go down. More loss of sales tax income.
  18. Oakland and St Louis had us on the ropes for a while....and San Diego is very flawed but coulda beat us.
  19. Oh stop it. How many DBs( a few safeties) and RBs are white??? In general black people are better athletes. Thats being real...not racist.
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