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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. Well...i heard a woman say that she saw that. I believe her. If they could get out of their enclosure once I am sure they came very close other times. Common sense tells us that. We shouldn't be dependant on the moods of wild animals to keep them from the public.
  2. well----just look at United ..and see where this restructuring of pension contracts has left the pensioners. Its not pretty.But...-you may be right...bankruptcy could be the only realistic way to go.--I was just hoping that the pension and salary cuts and job losses would be less severe if a bailout were done with the drastic measures I proposed.
  3. Yes you make good points..and they should be part of the plan. However, the cost of salaries plus benefits for both working and retired is soo far out of the range of reality....This has to be addressed foremost. AND they have to start producing efficient vehicles ASAP. But producing efficient vehicles ....and vehicles that will sell better...will not solve the problem of the bloated compensation and salary system that they have. Pensions,and salaries have to be drastically cut. OR the free market will cut them 'herself'..and much more drastically.
  4. Well if thats true...then just the medical should be paid....no extra compensation.STILL....the ZOO is at fault . There are reports that a few times in the past people had seen the paws of a tiger above the top of the enclosure. Something unintentional could have provoked the tigers and caused another tragedy.
  5. fine ....but the pensioners will end up with 20 plus cents on the dollar....-and this bailout MAY be the only way to strong arm these american auto co. idiots into doing something right. What horrible mismanagement for the past 30 years. disaster.
  6. NO---but 50 cents on the dollar is gonna be better than 20 cents. Talk to the United Airlines pensioners who are receiving 22% of their original pension.
  7. We put in drastic reform measures. They only get the $$ after these measures are in place. Significantly cut pay and benefits and pensions. GM,FORD etc. are losing money on each vehicle. The business model is a joke. The deals struck between mgmt and the unions for the workers were and are unrealistic. COLD?? CRUEL?? not as cold or cruel as having the companies go belly up and having 100s of thousands lose their jobs and maybe millions lose 80% of their pension money(the pension guarantee ins fund--or whatever its called doesn't guarantee the whole amt--not even close) If these reforms aren't immediately put in--we will be needing to bail them out again in 3 yrs after they've gone thru the whole 25 billion. Our money will be wasted and they will probbly be in worse shape than they are in now.
  8. maybe enough to save the Bills! -he was a prophet and a saviour and a gambler
  9. yes emotionS --they were happy sad jolly mournful and very very angry.
  10. Kelly would be no more a factor than some greeter(OK Im exaggerating). Whats he worth?? $20 million if he took care of his money???--So he is an economic non-factor. There would need to be a billionaire involved. Kelly would be the team spokesman. I don;t think his minor involvement in a gambling website is gonna be an issue.
  11. I dont think the lads should be ab;e to get anything other than medical IF in fact they provoked the TIGER...BUT----its a zoo and the zoo is at fault for having an enclosure where the TIgers could escape. There were some bizarre reports about people seeing the Tigers jump up and get a paw over the top of the enclosure a year or 2 before this incident. What if a couple of little kids started acting goofy and jumped up and down and made faces at the Tiger ??/--They would have deserved to be maimed and killed for being kids and acting idiotic? No excuse for the ZOO. Even if the teenagers were being arses.--Altho I would limit the surviving kids in their compensation.
  12. wow-- a legend in Cleveland and elsewhere. A lot of my family was from Cleveland and I heard all the stories. RIP Herb
  13. Question??????......How can you rape and strangle an 8 yr old girl and only go down for MAN 1???? They shoulda put him in a plastic shredder.
  14. wow....Prayers to Tom and his family.
  15. uhmmm not sure I agree...TE is playing poorly now... thats the difference.
  16. I think Schonert is doing a good job. The team moves the ball well.
  17. yeah and a small market team like the Ills...gives us hope
  18. People thought his career was over after that brilliant stretch in ST LOUIS.He was not a very good QB there for a while cuz of thos e problems. Those things need to be factored in the equation. He has recovered admirably from the concussions and the thumb--esp at his advanced age.
  19. yeah right..he was in a daze..with slow reflexes-- for 2 yrs--caused by his thumb
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