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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. That implies nothing of the sort. Most people in the organization are just doing their own jobs. None of them wants to speak up and try to pretend to be a medical professional. The decisions in the organization re: this situation are made by a very very small group of people. Have you actually seen what has been going on out there on the field?? -Post consussion doesn't mean staggering drunk motions. It means slow reactions and slight cognitive problems which show up especially in a position like QB where cognition is the whole game. No way did Edwards just fall apart like this out of nowhere.
  2. WOW...sheeeesssssshhhh....thank God you and others are OK.coulda been an english soccer stadium type disaster...the kind of crap that happens in India all the time. Hopefully there will be enough complaints and publicity about this so that they rectify the situation.
  3. EXACTLY...good point about these things not occurring in a linear fashion. People who bring up the San Diego game as an argument against him being concussed are very ignorant--and thats being kind.
  4. What I have been saying over and over. I am in the medical profession...and though I am not a neurologist I have worked with them and with concussed people for 20 years. It is OBVIOUS.....and there is medical malpractice going on in the Bills organization.
  5. There were plenty of open receivers. When u have that much time people get open.
  6. It was almost surreal.....and yet he couldn't get the ball downfield.I can't recall a QB getting 6,7,8,9 seconds to throw the ball....and doing less with it. I'm absolutely convinced its the effects of his concussion.....no matter what the distinguished Ronald Jaworski MD--famed neurologist from Lackawanna High MED School --says. Lets not be so tough on Trent here. He is a young guy who the Bills are mistreating. I'd say its medical malpractice. 25 yr old kid---who our team quacks inform is ready to go....VERY UNFAIR. Bills fans will greatly regret this anti-Trent stuff when the truth comes out about his condition--if we don't wake up. I hope TE doesn't read the papers or listen to talk radio. Negativity on this level can be very very damaging.
  7. I was lobbying for Garcia 4-5 yrs ago. It s a bit late now--the guy is 40.
  8. my gosh he has all year and he aint doing much........oh good pllay by lynch
  9. I repeat. Its still all about JIM. Its in his DNA, But he is doing a good thing.
  10. The guy on the right went to his barber and said.."I wanna look like MOE"
  11. yeah always liked her-----dont see her much anymore...shes about 43 or so now
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGGk0FpGIxM
  13. Its still all about JIM. But the money will help in the research....so its a good thing.
  14. Good point. Brent Favre. Just proved your point.
  15. its NOT a 100% guarantee ...its dimes on the dollar........ the pbgc guaranteed the airlines as well.....pilots with a 90,000 pension now receive approximately 22,000.....
  16. well said.....and the workers are gonna get 20% of what they are getting now---instead of the 50% which they would have gotten if the original negotiations were in the realm of reality
  17. Yep...none of us knew that after the tenniseee throwforward that we would all be a decade older and no richer in playoff experience;)
  18. the majesty of rock....the pageantry of rollll
  19. Bills fan---the pension guarantee fund only guarantees pennies on the dollar..see United Airlines.
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