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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. you will read my post carefully--you will see that I said wages/benefits
  2. mead dines on spam and cheese wizz and washes it down with orangeade
  3. yeah right a fair wage and benefits --that are bankrupting the company. USA autoworkers getting 73/hr in wages/benefits makes loads of sense when honda and toyota are paying 46. Real smart and forward thinking. Great when you win all these FAIR contracts for the employees when its HAS and will continue to cost these workers their jobs and probbly most of their pensions. Come on Johnny---sheeesh---lets be somewhat in the rational universe here.
  4. red herring. yes of course the executive pay is ridiculous. i agree.. but the amount of money is miniscule in relation---and as i say a red herring. stick to the point.
  5. i kinda like polygamy---u ever see those hot chicks on big love?
  6. There are plenty of churches out in Marin County CA that he would love. Like the church of the christ buddha consciousness of the peace dove.
  7. The UAW has done the screwing over. How many jobs have those ridiculous contracts cost so far by making the american auto companies uncompetitive? Yeah--let the UAW get its way....and soon practically all the plants will be closed. Grow some common sense.
  8. WITH drastic restructuring of contracts. The 25 BIL will be down the drain in a couple years if pensions and salaries/benefits aren't drastically slashed.
  9. omg Cybill was a complete knockout in her youth.
  10. Heather Locklear is a natural beauty..and shes almost 50.
  11. I know what he was saying. And it doesn't hold water. Practice is slower and much less intense and non-contact.
  12. I love Moorman but the oakland guy is one of the greatest ever and the best in the league right now..
  13. The Toronto Bills???? How would you like your wife to go marry another man and then win the lottery>>??? I doubt you would be celebrating her good fortune.
  14. There is no inference here about TE being a mental case. I'm not sure where you get that. Many of us are highly suspicious that he is suffering from post-concussion syndrome.Thats all. -Should those of us with suspicion just shut up??? Those with 'eyes' on TE within the organization need to improve their vision. --They should at the very least err on the side of caution--which they are not doing. Kornheiser mentioned it on national TV last nite---his suspicions---which Dr. Jaws tried to dispell. I think the cat is out of the bag. Our expressions of concern won't change public perception much.
  15. I remember Bruce Smith and many of the Bills not wanting anything to do with some of the great Bills team doctors at the time.
  16. RJ was John Elway-like in practice. I don't see any similarity betw game time and practice.
  17. Saying that people who 'declare' TE concussion free based on his SD performance are 'very ignorant' is not ridiculing them. They are just very ignorant. -Those who want to understand why the healing process is not a linear thing ...that is just a show of intellectual curiosity: Which is admirable. I'm not a concussion expert but I work with the experts...and have a 'good' knowledge of concussions. I'll try to get into why its not linear at some point when I have the energy.
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