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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. i liked the call---the way this game is flowing
  2. these are the worst announcers in the history of mankind."3 reeeeeealy quality DEs on the bills..." im stunned
  3. I am going out on a limb here....but I don't even think the Bills would pull such a moronic challenge.
  4. I am going out on a limb here....but I don't even think the Bills would pull such a moronic challenge.
  5. well...... the 1-9 Chiefs....there is a reason for that
  6. yes we can.....and thank gosh for those turnovers and that Leodis
  7. 31 against some team on mon nite--- ferguson days...--i think against miami
  8. --yeah that proves he doesnt have concussion effects....
  9. no just the opposite. He is toughing it out when he shouldn't. Concussions don't get better when you are playing in NFL games. sheeeesh....come on now.
  10. I disagree. Players have not gotten faster in just 15 years. Why would they be faster?? More chemicals in their food?? better Roids??? College athletic programs were just as good or better then than they are now. I could use the same reasoning....Would Kelsay or scobel or Denney or any of our soft fat O linemen have even made the NFL 15 years ago?? They are soft and slow and wimpy----unlike the faster more athletic linemen of 15 yrs ago.
  11. no--not the OC.....and YES---too much negativity toward TE who arguably is concussed. Lots of denial going on around here.Not trying to beat a dead horse--its been discussed. But everyone seems to be afraid to talk about it.
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