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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. Mularkey and Killdrive.......have we improved?
  2. younger guy than I thought....was just a kid in 1970 when he started with the courier
  3. wow thats a name from the past...R I P
  4. I'd rather go see a Brittanny Spears concert--front row seat.
  5. What should he be surly about?? He does nothing and makes 6 mil a year.
  6. Pat Williams is 36 years old. I think players should be able to use roids after age 35.
  7. my advice to you...act and dont think too much. Just go for it like you've already ot it. The regrets will happen as a result of the overanalyzing.
  8. John and Marys ham sub...oil &very light mayo...
  9. The great Alvin Wyatt.....he'd be making 4 mil per if he were playing today!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PS I was at that game and wasn't in the men's room..
  10. wow. I feel a bit bad for comments I made re: what appeared to be the state of his health(from his appearance ) when the move to Toronto stuff was such big news. God bless him.
  11. Best idea ive heard in a while....lol---just stay in the lot...
  12. pre-game to get battle ready http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HejVjzhKTY
  13. This is a very very cruel post--same old story---by the time most of us know what we are doing we are too past it to get the opportunities...
  14. I think they are as good as their 1-5 circumstance. It has been an astoundingly easy schedule. You lose 5 of 6 of those then you are that bad.
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