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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. Norv Turner?? tell me you are joking.If you are then fine. If not--then I will pray for you...to the wizard of Oz--for a brain.
  2. ??? If you owned a business where you were losing money...you would need to cut costs. A huge cost is payroll and bennies.Thats just the way it is.---Your employees dont have to accept a paycut...but then they will have to accept losing their jobs.
  3. people will be MORE likely to buy from a bankrupt car co because then they know the co can be viable in the future due to contract restructuring etc
  4. The dealers(most) will still be around even if the industry goes bankrupt. It needs to either go bankrupt or have a severe restructuring of salaries. If the UAW stays stubborn then the industry will fail. In fact its already failing cuz they have greater costs per employee than the Jap. co.s Buffalos plants will still produce but at lesser capacity---which is what is happening anyway and which has been happening for the past 30 yrs. I see it costing 5000 jobs in WNY max.
  5. probbly right.... unless there is a stud available at DE when the Bills are at bat.
  6. I agree with you exc with Schobel who is a C at best.-Maybe even a C-
  7. you're pars-ley-ing your words
  8. Evans aint the game changer cuz our QBs cant get him the ball.
  9. Saban,polian,Knox--arent you glad old ralphie has the final word?
  10. The 1980-82 team was such a great group to root for....
  11. RIP..God bless him......sheeesh these posts make caring about winning and losing football games seem so pathetic
  12. Absolutely.Build teams from the inside out.Not the way we have been doing it. By the way--which DBs and WRs do you think the Bills have in mind for the 12th pick next year?
  13. 1.see TE in relation to Anderson(after TE concussion)... 2.bad coaching?? they changed coaches from last year?? 3.star players attracting negative attention is overrated as far as hurting a team.
  14. It doesn't get much better than Meadow Soprano.......
  15. Definitely small claims court. The guy is slime.
  16. I didn't know you could buy designer undies with food stamps. America.I love it.
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