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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. Its easy to see why this is such a mediocre franchise. The #s don't lie.
  2. kelsay,schobel,dockery.....LOL--nice moves Bills front office guys. Great value.
  3. Joey Harrington?? u r joking of course....thank God...
  4. Very well done ...with a dash of humor added.
  5. me too!!! I was screaming and yelling to get that guy on the team years ago. Well he has a year or two left and would be a terrific backup to Trent.And he would instill some attitude in this team.
  6. How about.."regarding our fine coach Mr.Jauron........I would say that he makes Abe Gibron look like Stephen Hawking on a gingko biloba drip."
  7. hehe....-- our backups happen to be at DE,center, and LB--those ouch positions
  8. The quote has a lot to do with why this team is bad. They are a bunch of soft kiss arses. After that last sequence of the first half Trent should have blown a fuse...and should have been ranting about the stupidity of his arfing team. Any real competitor wouldn't be wussing out with the."oh I'll have to check the film..and evaluate the season" crap. This team is a disgrace...-Maybe Marshawn--as he matures--can take the lead and get some character developed on this team.
  9. He can compliment all he wants as long as Schobel is on the bench.-"Oh Aaron you have such a high motor!"
  10. "Mr.Jauron is the best boss ..gollly gee whiz" Bills players
  11. ...and we practice that particular situation daily ...and ask the uffishllls why they dint set the ball back down there
  12. . As if anyone that's awake can't tell the difference between Monet's Water Lillies and a Velvet Elvis because they are both paintings. lol---
  13. Yawn...which will mean nothing if we run the ball with 20 seconds left in the other teams red zone with no time outs
  14. hehe....have you ever seen a bigger coaching mismatch than we saw last week??. It was stunning...yet sad.
  15. yes-- a good move there...one of many many
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