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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. we have nothing to trade--unless we were gonna lose Greer anyway and could get a deal from a stupid team like washington
  2. and Lott may have been the most vicious tackler of all time
  3. kelly was a physical wreck by age 35.He could barely move his arm back to throw. Kind of like the tin man. Elway had escaped major injuries and still had an arm into his late 30s
  4. u didnt watch the denver game then huhh..---if cutler didnt screw up a few times we woulda lost 50-30
  5. i think most southern ontario bills fans would remain bills fans--from hamilton down
  6. i loved the way winfield hit--he is a tough litel baysterd
  7. yeah we grade out to a C--thats being generous. And less on the lines where it counts
  8. they made schobel look decent...look what happened to him after they left---he became noschobel
  9. sheesh thought dolpfins were gonna get back in it...
  10. u r talking about a coaching staff that runs from the 20 with 20 seconds left and no time outs
  11. nice job misquoting the guy and not understanding the article
  12. no one should offer a first for any RB EXC a great one in his absolute prime--RB easiest slot to fill
  13. oh wait--he was giving you s about exacerbated...my apologies to you
  14. no one knows----none of the bills front office guys wants to admit it
  15. yep--Tomlinson has been a great back. By the time 30 hits age and injuries have tamped down a lot of the athletic ability. Power runners can last a bit longer if they have had luck on the injury front. John Riggins was very good post 30 as well. And there is a guy who played for the Browns i think and the Ravens--Im spacing the name now---excellent into his 30s.
  16. the guy is 5 6 and 180...thats pretty solid..-I dont think getting torn in half would be his problem. Pushing the line forward on runs may be, however. A #1 back does some combo of strength/power/ leverage/athleticism.Not sure if Sproles has the power or leverage to carry 25 times a game--game in game out.
  17. of course the D was our problem. so was the O. Denver and every other good team marched thru us in easy fashion.No passrush=defensive woes.Doesn't matter if you have Ronny lott and Rod woodson playing DB for you. On offense we need a new coach, a center and a TE.
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