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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. electric =electric massage--dont waste your time
  2. ATL----life aint fair .It is amazing what most of us go thru in our own ways. I find solace and strength in my faith in God -but we all have our ways of dealing with things.-If we all took time out to realize what we all go through as fellow human beings I think we would all be much better off. We'd be much more compassionate.
  3. Ok it was 1 full second--but most refs catch that--there IS a technique for that...I didnt say they have to invent one. You see the clock and the ref counts down to himself in the last 3 seconds---3 one thousand two one thousand one one thousand..not hard.Amd most refs do it very well. Enough lame excuses for those refs. It is not a commonly blown call.
  4. she aged very well-kinda like Fran Drescher.. http://www.starglimpse.com/images/celebs/b...randrescher.jpg
  5. It does plenty of good to work out a lot(esp cardio) all things being equal. Working out not only helps weight control but it reduces risk of diabetes,stroke and heart attack. YES--it greatly helps to have a healthy diet. Its both. They both count a lot.
  6. wow....sorry for the loss of your friend and God bless him and his family..
  7. yeah true---but good teams are often in short yardage 3rd down situations....and they hit harder and smarter--causing more turnovers--as well as having playmakers who get things like interceptions when other Ds get the knockdowns. Well prepared,tougher,more talented teams usually win the turnover battles.
  8. ridiciulous excuse. That was a good 2 seconds. They have to develope a technique to catch that. Duhhhhh...clock zeeeerrrooooo..now I TURN MY HEAD to seee if balll is snapppppped.
  9. And the nice thing about it was that it wasn't even close:)
  10. yeah he definitely got dumber after the concussion...but seemed to rally the last couple games--After he had more rest.
  11. would you rather have it happen to your son or daughter?? dont get me wrong..I think either one is awful.. But I think MOST people would say son
  12. thank God....no 8-8 team should be even allowed in the playoffs
  13. imagine how awful we'd be without our STs
  14. As a parent--would you rather have your 13 yr old son have sex with some 30 yr old hottie?? or would you rather have some 30 yr old guy having sex with your 13 year old daughter? While both are very bad --I can guarantee everyone on planet earth would ..if they had to choose---choose the former. Case closed. Lets not be overly subtle about this .
  15. no SB MVPs allowed in Buffalo thats a universal law....thats why the hypothetical minus the 07 season thing.I really dont think Eli is much better than TE....maybe a tad more gutsy and a stronger arm--but really he whole body of work points out an average to above average QB
  16. oops didnt realize the 9-7 cards get the home game
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