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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. f%ggot officials--patriots type call
  2. The Partridge family kicked their arse
  3. Warner flashes back to concussion days....sheesh........great run though
  4. These guys are too small for DE...I think we should have learned our lesson by now
  5. Market losses from a SALE of those market assets negate market(capital)gains derived from dividends or stock sales or sales of an asset. These events should occur within the same year. But remember--you can hold your losses for future use against capital gains. It isn't always the smartest move to negate gains--especially in a year where your income is low. Talk to your acct. And dont forget the $3000 deduction against ordinary income(but again dont use this if your income is very very low--which can be the case for the self employed).
  6. Yes he's been loyal--but Buffalo is also very close and convenient to his Detroit home. So before we canonize the guy...
  7. So true. And they would smash the hell out of him from the line of scrimmage all the way up the field so he couldnt get behind them.Yet he still managed. With todays rules----and a strong armed QB---he would be uncoverable.
  8. The point is to what degree.And I say it is very small.-But lets not quibble until we see a real study. Those who state that Buffalo will be devastated economically if the Bills leave...I think that is a joke.-I see very little overall positive economic impact for the individual in Buffalo.-I would hate for the Bills to leave...But I think peoples time and ingenuity can be better served than watching the Bills lose on sundays. 8 games a year....lots of county costs and policing costs...maybe a couple hundred full time jobs. I say we keep the Bills but not delude ourselves that they make any large econmic impact on the region. Thats a poor argument.--The better argument for keeping them here is the sense of community that they bring to the area.Losing brings families together.
  9. That would be a move that our loser owner Ralph would approve of. -Sheesh just kidding you Ralph worshippers....esp on this momentous occasion
  10. Dean--those are weak studies. There have been studies as well in the SF bay area showing NO positive economic impact. 1664 jobs???? shoveling snow in the Rich stadium lot is not a full time job. Show me a real study with all the pros and cons listed--not some promo done to justify raping the taxpayers for a new stadium and box seats.
  11. no I was really thanking him....for all the annoying Sundays. I have enjoyed the way they have ruined many Sundays for me.
  12. nowhere near?? Did you ever see him play??--I'm not saying he was better or worse--they are completely different types of receivers.Hayes was more like JD Hill or James Lofton... hayes played in an era where the ball was thrown to WRs way less...and the DBs could molest the crap out of the WR.
  13. As long as they play the Jamaican national anthem when hes on the medal stand .
  14. Ridiculous. The money spent for Bills games is money not spent on other businesses at other times. The state income taxes collected from the Bills players is a few million-and how much of that you think winds up in western new york??. Staff security concessions---10 games a year. Consider how much police money goes to keeping the drunks off the road...jail costs...court costs..Not to mention many other costs the county bears in relation to this franchise.If anything it MAY be a wash... Dont get me wrong I would hate for the Bills to leave---but lets stop with the economic impact nonsense.
  15. I think the BILLS have zero impact economically on Buffalo. If anything it is a stifling affect. Show me one legit study showing that the Bills ghave a positive affect on western New york/Buffalo. Bet you can't. The Bills players and owner are positively affected economically by the Bills--thats for sure.
  16. yeah--the fact that the Vikes didnt have a killer running game only speaks more about Carters effectiveness.
  17. I love Andre but I think Carter was slightly better..
  18. Bruce and Rod. They are both in the very very upper echelon of great players---
  19. Thanks Ralph---for all the annoying Sundays.
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