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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. medium priced(7-9n bucks a 6er)---Full Sail Ale.....any of the MENDOCINO Brewing CO Ales... Samuel smiths from UK..
  2. did you like morgantown?? I hear that the state and the school are underrated
  3. i like the guy.....just not as a football player
  4. walsh started in the NFL though...so thats another subject
  5. I'd only regret it if they threatened to kick my ass....Now I'm a pretty solid 210.....but Im still puney compared to most of the guys I badmouth on the Bills....
  6. Well.. interesting point. If Jauron does do well next year I fully intend to point out how much i supported him along the way. And if he screws up again--well I'll just tell the truth about what ive been saying. As an Xs and Os guy maybe he is average. But his anal retentive coaching ANd poor clock management AND horrible replay decisions(yes I know hes not the guy in the booth--but he hired the guy in the booth) AND iffy play calling put him below the mendoza line.
  7. hehe!! but Jauron woulda played it safe just enough for that loaded Niners team to not win the SB.
  8. they like the way he calls all the men 'ricky'
  9. She's nekkid! ~ Bill Parcells "no offense to yer Orientals"`Bill Parcells
  10. -and she was a JAP~ Bill Parcells
  11. If not so injury plagued....maybe one of the all time great RBs and sure fire HOFer??? I know--post from left field--but what the helll
  12. I know--like we all havent done that a few times...
  13. we dont know enough about Cable yet..Raiders were playing damn good ball at the end of the year
  14. I think Norv Turner is closest to Jauron in coaching ability
  15. the guy was a superior talent...yeah he would still be our 2nd best receiver
  16. I'm 50 now--so I hope they hurry up while I can still really have fun celebrating like a maniac.... But sadly--when the Toronto Bills win the SB the year that they move there...Im sure that the bars up there will give us 10% off on cocktails
  17. I like the TUSCARORA Bills....or better yet the TUSCARORA SLAUGHTER.......what about you guys?
  18. Simon... Sorry for your loss.And a nice tribute to your friend. God bless him and his family.
  19. hehe--and those were the days when we were picking winners...
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