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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. absolutley ridiculous to put Collins ahead of Edwards...
  2. I'd agree ontherocks exc Id switch JP and Todd
  3. hehe.....and that fat O lineman who went to the Niners for a zillion bucks and plays 3 games a yr..cant remember his name
  4. dont confuse us with the facts...we like to live on soundbites
  5. Did your charts come with a box of crayons?
  6. I can feel the slime just in the reading ...yukkkkk
  7. true...I think the thing that may be giving some teams pause in signing him is his lack of actual playing time/experience plus last yrs injury. He may have needed another yr under his belt for the big money. His talent is unquestioned
  8. end of an era...RIP Paul
  9. CUTLER...although A concussion free Trent is a pretty good QB. But all it takes it one shot to the head--then hes throwing 5 pics in the first half
  10. I think these comments are all very appropriate for a franchise that hasnt sniffed the playoffs in 10 yrs. They havent earned our respect.Sorry.
  11. perfect fit for Taylor...Bills are a minor league franchise
  12. NO--I love marshawn on the field. We need his attitude.Other than him this team is a bunch of pansies
  13. Thurman vs OJ?? You must be kidding...or too young.
  14. blah blah...sickening...--well ok not sickening...he has to be nice.....but sheesh. Lousy franchise,mediocre coach etc etc. get real Fred.
  15. Lofton just turned 33 his first year here. Harrison would just turn 37 next season. HUGE difference. Massive deterioration from 33-37 in an athlete.
  16. combine means very little--except maybe shows the work ethic of the guys who bother to show. 225 reps doesnt make a football player. Vertical leap doesnt make a football player. 40 time only counts for corners. This aint the decathlon.
  17. right on Joe! great cause..great organization:)
  18. 4-5 yrs ago would have been an interesting option. 37 yr old WR?? LMAO
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