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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeease a good DE and a 1st rounder.
  2. You think all prison camp guards were guilty of murder??? not so simple.. There may have been guards secretly helping the prisoners.I know----probbly 2 or 3 out of a hundred. But what if they wanted to help? I am saying that while many or most of the guards likely DESERVE severe punishment-its hard to prove which ones were the most guilty. Were there eyewitnesses to this guys cruelty? Did the Israeli courts rule incorrectly?
  3. Thurman could barely talk when he first came to Buffalo. He had to be told how to put money in a bank etc.etc. Not a mensa guy but a smart football player.
  4. ahemmmm....one of the LBs from our glory days was from Cleveland...and he didn't know where Buffalo was. And some of the bright lights on this board were defending him(this discussion took place a couple of yrs ago)
  5. Very cool deano....I recommend Susan Cowsill-TALKIN sh--.....but I have so many more to sample
  6. Rotten Tomatoes is the best film review site
  7. YES. Hauling an 89 yr old off in his wheel chair??? For God's sake let it go.
  8. Belabor the point further? Isn't that redundant? Your english is shabby as well I see. Tut tut.
  9. Dean Dean Dean.........56/100 =.56 .56% +99%&44/100%(.44%)=100% .056=5.6% .0056=.56% She is .0056 pure /or impure......or in percent she is 56/100% pure/ impure
  10. OJ,DUNAWAY,..to lesser extent LOFTON..we have some way heavier duty guys from the past.
  11. I LOVE the warrick Dunn idea. at the right price and used judiciously---would be a great move.
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