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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. SOLIDIFY?? the front 7?? We have one really good player right now out of our front 7. Our front 7 needs major construction.
  2. We have an identity.We are the nice guys!! Guys who love their coach doggonit! Guys who play fair on the line and dont cheat.
  3. saturday vigil...but then again i do that most weeks anyway football or no
  4. If one examines that statement carefully..-It doesn't necessarily mean that much. He is not actually comparing him to Munoz. He didn't coach any really good O line players in Buffalo. He coached Munoz and ???????????????? in Cincy. Did McNally get a law degree somewhere down the line?
  5. I agree...most teams would choose the best punt returner in the game on a 3rd round pick.Very much worth it.
  6. The above moves are all the explanation needed as to why this organization is only slightly above the laughingstock level. I was commenting on the series of moves denoted by the poster--not just the JP trade.
  7. Again.-He is one of our better players. We need to get rid of him.Pretty soon we will be dumping Lynch,McKelvin,Jackson,...and--I'm trying to think of other really good Bills players............McGEE!!!.....and......hmm someone help me here.--I'd say Stroud but we may actually keep him.
  8. The above moves are all the explanation needed as to why this organization is only slightly above the laughingstock level.
  9. I thought Wilson;s article was good/well written. I don't completely agree with it though.
  10. We don't deserve Jackson. He is too good for us. Jackson,Peters,Greer,Crowell.....4 of our top ten down....six to go.
  11. If we were a contender and needed a push over the top---I'd say yeah. We are not even close to contending.At this point we are mediocre(and I'm being kind)....This move would be a complete waste.
  12. Walker is one of the luckiest fatsos on earth. Let him suck wind somewhere if he doesnt wanna play.
  13. He is one of our better players. We need to get rid of him.
  14. Well..I think its terrific and good for him and will certainly end well since Russian women are NOT out for the money.
  15. While i agree he isn't worth 8 figures a year; we still should have suckered some dumb team into a better deal. I mean--there are always teams like cincy or washington or Buffalo or detroit just waiting to make dumb deals. We shoulda done better.
  16. We have lost Greer and Peters and Crowell and are ticking off Jackson.And we haven't addressed the passrush.
  17. If that is the deal then the Bills have just bent over and...
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