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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. why not keep a guy who can change a game in 10 seconds??? its not like we have a ton of those guys. Leodis,Mcgee and occasionally Evans are our only other gamebreaker playmakers now that Greer is gone.Hopefully Maybin and Jarius will change that a bit.
  2. and the sad thing----even with AL's comical drafting..The raiders have just as much talent as we do.-And were kicking our butts all over the field last year.
  3. A good bit of advice is to walk places whenever you can vs driving.Depending on where you live/work that can help immensely. A HUGE thing is to go easy on the carbs(esp bread/cake)...and try to keep carb intake low in the PM. Eat your carbs early so you can burn them off in the day.-The exception of course is if you are a long distance runner or other somesuch athlete who needs to carbo load--but that doesn't sound like your situation now.
  4. they looked at film of our line play..esp on the O side--and saw a lot of guys going through the motions..-They woke up and saw what most of us saw.
  5. Bradford?? where do you think the Bills will drafting next year?? If we have a chance at him we have bigger troubles than just at QB.
  6. i think schobel ,kelsay and denney are all gone after this year...(ok I HOPE they are gone)
  7. he has more upside than hamden or fitz tho
  8. i agree... i think he kept the Bulls in games with teams they had no business being competitive with. Could be a great surprise in this league.
  9. we arent gonna fix this team in one year. we start drafting more McCargos ....and see where it gets us..
  10. Neil Young?? great guitarist?? his songs are 2 chords of strumming...I mean he is proficient..but come on..
  11. I would say a B so far. Reconstructing the fat soft O line and getting a passrusher are major accomplishments this year.
  12. no---we still need some front 7 work
  13. we--and many others obviously didnt think Brown was that good. We got a lot done thos draft--as much as I think humanly possible given our weak lines. All things equal I think we take Brown over Byrd---but Byrd is the much better player.
  14. B+ with A potential if Maybin excels. Levitre and Wood definite As
  15. late 90s on D....fat ted and fat pat and old bruce ...pfg line there i cant remember the bills o line well from then---but it was better than the 08 version by a mile.
  16. Again I'd agree with your first sentence. But i believe i already covered that when I said it wasn't an inherently racial thing.
  17. orakpo is too wwf looking...those guys are rarely successful in the NFL
  18. I agree with you RE: your last sentence. But you have to think why the % of successful black QBs in the NFL is so low in comparison to their success at other positions.-I think its a cultural thing of course.. not an inherently racial thing.
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