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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. ..and we get to choose what age body we could have..what age would you choose? There is a lot to be said for 12...no aches no pains..can run all day like a wildman.No major body awareness issues yet. Total freedom that you don't really appreciate til you get older and don't have it anymore. OR--how about 19...little pain...horny 24/7-but self -conscious. OR 25--at your peak of athletic ability but need to work on it-some aches and pains slowly creeping in.. Just throwing my weird thoughts out there for discussion
  2. I agree..I'd say B- is more like it. McCargo bad. Whitner-solid player but a reach at 8??.Butler---good pick. Youboty--fair. Williams--mmm...fair.
  3. So you agree with me that Brady has a better arm than Trent. We can only speak of the here and now not what may be in the future. QBs dont necessarily get better arm stength as their careers progress. By the way a 60 yard pass in the NFL is expected--not some great feat.
  4. QUOTE (Tcali @ Apr 30 2009, 06:40 PM) I didn't say he didn't have any physical tools. I like the way you reword my post to suit your needs. Brady has a better arm than Trent(not by much). You are strongly disagreeing with me?? hmmmmmmm
  5. yeah--thats part of the wimpiness factor....perhaps a reflection of the coach he loves so much?
  6. mmmm..i still give Brady the edge(slight) in arm strength. I think TEs arm strength is sufficient though. Montana of course did not have a cannon...but he threw a very tight ball..tight spiral. I agree Trent isnt gonna be montana or Brady..but I do think he has some very good qualities for a young QB. He needs to work on finishing drives--developing the killer instinct..........But dare I say it..lets hope he isn't concussion prone. If he is he will be out of the league in 2 years.
  7. I didn't say he didn't have any physical tools. I like the way you reword my post to suit your needs. Brady has a better arm than Trent(not by much).
  8. Of course I wasn't speaking in absolutes. But QBs who tend to rack up big #s are often coming from behind and playing agianst prevent defenses...and are also more prone to big mistakes.They also aren't killing the clock and demoralizing and tiring the other teams D. I stand by my statement.-TRENT is a very poor example because he doesnt throw for 300 yards anyway. What kind of conclusions can you draw from that?-And bringing in the fact that half his games are under 200 yards doesn't prove any point.-I would love Trent to throw for more yards--and to be a better downfield passer. That doesn't change the fact that QBs throwing a huge number of passes and racking up big yards tend to be on the losing side of games(with obvious common sense exceptions implied of course).
  9. The 7-9ers will be receiving the kickoff from the north goal post.
  10. it means a lot--most nfl players do not have this overall football ability
  11. this guy is a football player..unlike the many phoneys the Bills have drafted the past 10 yrs...no wonder he made plays..he has the football instincts...screw the 40 time nonsense
  12. Hes older than that....Id say mid sixties...hes been arounda lonng time
  13. Saw him at this bar/club on transit RD. in Lockport(used to be called the KEYstone 90s)around 1976. "aye yae yae yae..your mother l__ks b_tsh___t off cavewalls".....-You've never heard such a collective groan...--funny but horrible.
  14. Well we now have 2 good D linemen instead of one. The O line will be slightly better after getting rid of talented lazy fatso 1 and lazy fatso 2. We now have T O and a tight end with some actual athleticism. We are minus Greer--one of last years best players--and we need Jarius to step up. I think a 7-9 season would be a great improvement over last yrs 7-9creampuff schedule.
  15. I think we should call Schobel 'Sideline inspector'--in honor of his passrushing not his injury.
  16. TE does not have all the physical tools to be a great QB. He is relatively unathletic and has an average arm(Im being generous there). He does have extraordinary cool in the pocket--which is rare among any QB--so I believe in the guy somewhat. He lacks killer instinct to finish drives and he is injury prone. The jury is out. I am optimistic because for a young QB he doesn't get rattled.
  17. but jim mcnally said he was the greatest powerblocker he ever coached.........after Anthony Munoz...
  18. thats awful...God bless the Wilson family...thoughts and prayers with you
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