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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. Skooby--no offense intended.And I applaud you if you write in this manner for purposes of humor...-But you write like a 12 year old.
  2. Playmakers are rare.Well rounded playmakers are rarer. Thurman was one on the offensive side-without great speed. Lets hope Byrd can do it at the pro level. Would be amazing for the Bills.
  3. I think TO should go racing down Jefferson Ave. in a cadillac filled with good looking babes.......-o wait Cookie already did that in 1964.
  4. Definitely my favorite BILLS team. Great characters.Very good team.--Sadly there are very few good years in the BILLS era...80-82 with ground Chuck. 62-66 with Lou. 73-74 with Lou. 87-94 with Marv. Maybe 98-99 with Flutie. 10 years of garbage and counting.At least these guys love their coach!-Come on Trent stop having yuppie lunches with Stanford alum and get into a bar brawl or something...
  5. 0 for 3...but Bledsoe at least temporarily put some life into the franchise.
  6. I'd like to hire Aprile http://www.hbo.com/sopranos/cast/character...ie_aprile.shtml Itchy Ritchie
  7. yeah thats closer--altho I think Kosar was better(slightly)
  8. heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy wait a sec.....lets be reasonable. Rivers is somewhere inbetween Dilfer and Marino(about halfway between Id say)/
  9. I like the Matt Ryan comparison better.In fact Ryan has a better arm than Brady... But comparing Rivers to Marino is just silliness.
  10. Ive seen him live several times going back over 30 years. He is a very proficient guitar player.Gets the job done. Rock music isn't about great musicianship...its about heart and creativity. I love Neil Young's music.
  11. Interesting name you throw out there...and you may be right. But he is a strange case. His numbers actually went down as he went into his prime years...and many blame that on his drug abuse--not of steroids-- but of coke. He raised his game up a bit toward the end again. He is one of those guys who would have put up scary numbers if he were on the juice methinks.
  12. Mostly agree....but let me correct you RE: McGuire. It is generally perceived that McGuire really got serious about juicing later in his career...AFTER and as a result of him having that chronic foot problem. He was out for a season and a half more or less...and recovered due to the starting or increasing the steroid doses. From then on it was 58 homers with Oakland and 60+ and 70 with St Louis. Early in his career Big Mac was a 33 HR guy w/ the exception of that 49HR rookie yr. At age 39 the roids/wear and tear caught up with him and his low back went out.
  13. OJ,Bruce,Robert James,Cookie Gilchrist,Joe D,Billy Shaw.In that order.
  14. 48 year old scrambling QB...take the pressure off fatso at LT. I meant 'Fatso' in a good way.
  15. seems like there were several 40 year old pitchers throwing 99 mph flameballs in the 90s and early 2000s
  16. He just needs to get even fatter so the speed guys have a longer route to Trent. Hopefully Trent will have released one of his accurate puffballs by that time.
  17. the bengals can stink just the same and save 10 mil/yr
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