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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. I think Schonert is a good coordinator. He needs to try to get TE to open it up a bit...But he did OK for what he had to work with.
  2. If you were convicted of a violent crime..which would be the worse punishment..having to live in the city of Detroit or the city of Niagara Falls??
  3. lo siento amigo....you are correct
  4. Wrong. Obama is in because the economy collapsed on top of there being an unpopular war. That simple. I wish him well.
  5. Mayor of NYC and GOV of any state are much more difficult jobs than being a Senator. Sarah Palin--despite her quasi knowledge of the english language--is a person I would trust to get things done.Senators are in a big gabfest all the time;with no budget to balance(except the FED Govt.'s where they can just print the money if those darned numbers don't work out).
  6. He is better than Kelsay and as good as Schobel(and younger and cheaper and more upside)--I bet Schobel gets hurt before Hargrove gets sent to prison.
  7. How is he going to afford the move? I hope his nephews and cousins pitch in this saturday..
  8. Of course he has lost a step. But he is still very fast. Every man loses a step by age 35.If he has just lost a step he is doing well. Its when you lose 2 and 1/2 steps that you get into trouble.
  9. NO---only because of the money.If money not a factor...I'd say yeah for a 2nd next year.
  10. Always wanted to play Aussie rules football..but time passed by and I got too injured and old...although a lot of us american guys played a version of it in our backyards as kids .Enjoy the trip.
  11. tougher?? how old is the guy??? why dont we bring back Moulds?--toughen oursleves up a bit too.
  12. Oman looked great on film against the Philadelphia school of dentistry...or whoever they were playing.
  13. 1.Andre Johnson 2.Larry Fitz 3.Steve Smith 4.Moss 8.TO 11.LEE Top 3 are a toss-up. Moss has faded and TO has faded.Although they are both still superior WRs even at their advanced ages. Lee at 11 gets respect although he is the poor man's Steve Smith. Little man Smith dominates with B minus QB ing while little man Lee has disappeared with C+ QBing.
  14. Steve Smith #10?? the list lost all credibility there.
  15. Biggest weakness is still the front 7 of the D. Our LBs are barely average and we are maybe average now at DE now that we have Maybin. 1-2 years away. 2nd biggest weakness is at LT with Fatso. 3rd biggest weakness is TEs head--concussion prone. OH wait..... ranking with a new system...at number ZERO...is our head coach Dicck Jauron.
  16. making Jauron leave is worth the 6 mil
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