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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. I think our O line moves were very smart. You cant build an O line on 5-10 million per year underachievers. That equals disaster.Glad they kinda blew it up.And Im glad they picked the new guys where they did so they didnt break the bank-and picked up a solid hardnosed guy at center in FA. It will be nice to see-when this line starts playing together-- some fire on that O line.Watching them the last couple of years get absolutely no push from that group of lazy fatarses was awful. The Bills-famous for getting that 1 yd into the line on rushes--should do somewhat better this year. But we need to be patient.It aint gonna happen overnight.
  2. sheesh can you imagine 400 lb black bear mama running around in downtown Buffalo?? or in south Buffalo?
  3. alworth,bruce,taylor(john and otis),paul warfield,lynn swann,flipper anderson,elbert deubenion,steve smith....
  4. yeah--but the fact that you didnt realize it is in a sense the proof of his being underrated
  5. Jake reed maybe.,... but TOON and BROWN??? come on...
  6. I think a lot of people don't realize how great Holt really is. Good call.
  7. Darryl Talley was not as good a football player as John Taylor.
  8. yeah seems pretty accurate.......but #s 12-25 can be very interchangeable
  9. 1.John Taylor 2.Jerry Butler 8.Bobby Chandler help me fill in the blanks
  10. Terrell is a top 15 of all time receiver. That being said.......dont be silly.
  11. I have a cannon for an arm too....exc Im old and have spinal injuries...dammmmmmmmmmmmn... -I love the fact that JP is considering staying in the area. I think he deserves a lot of respect within the community for that. Hope he gets a great biz started.
  12. i know that---but lebron should still be shooting 3 FTs--for the good of the nba
  13. hehe i think lebron should have been shooting 3FTs.
  14. Van Gundy may be a joke but all he does is win
  15. Jack White is/was a refreshing sound in rock music. Talent and creativity.Excellent combo.
  16. u just never know if it would translate to football..
  17. on paper we are unproven at O line and undermanned on the defensive front 7. thats where ball games are won.
  18. blah blah blah...McCartney used to go into the studio at night and erase Ringos drumming tracks and put in his own drumming.A lot of what you hear on the albums is not Ringo-even if its not official.This according to Peter Brown-probably the most respected Beatles insider. McCartney stated that Ringo is a poor drummer.Of course they were nice and apologetic to eachother after the fact in the group. Its common courtesy. I happen to think Ringo is a good drummer for the simple music the Beatles played. Hes a good rock/pop drummer with a unique style. Nothing more nothing less.And this isn't wikipedia info.
  19. yeah cute headline--but meaningless---as most headlines are.There is probably more fecal matter in a can of red bull than there is cocaine. Now I wonder how much cocaine was in the old coca cola;)???-nudge nudge wink wink say no more... -No wonder coke became the most popular drink in the world.
  20. While you make good points..I believe that Jauron has still shown mediocrity in his coaching ability.Of course we do not have great talent..but esp in 08 his mindnumbing gametime decision making cost us a playoff spot in a year where we had a laughable once in a decade easy schedule. Of course..even Vince lombardi couldnt have done much more than a wildcard drubbing with that group. And the 7-9 season got us a better draft pick..and kept most people realistic about this teams talent level. What concerns most I think--is that Jauron will keep us mediocre even after our talent level has been raised.
  21. ok..well lets hope he proves something then
  22. He was a good backbeat drummer..but lets not get carried away. His skills were OK.
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