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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. As a relative oldster--I can say this----they need NEW blood in govt in NYS as a whole.Let the young sharp guys in there. They aren't conditioned to be such losers as the guys who have been there are.
  2. I disagree...--he is a tall skinny guy. Why do you think he is good at other sports? Have you seen him play football?Run track? lots of guys can swing a golf club really well--esp when that is all you do 24 hrs /day since you were 3.Of course he is naturally gifted there as well. But you have a bunch of fat slobs who were/are also terrific golfers. Golf prowess doesn't necessarily translate into prowess in any other sport.
  3. i think what you say proves only that our d line was awful
  4. the worse the conditions the more you should pass...altho it does take a good qb and smart receivers to take advantage of that huge advantage
  5. OK--didn't realize you meant only 2 extremists
  6. You make good points. But I believe then that there are categories of activities.In my particular definition-I take into account those activities which require great physical conditioning,speed,reflexes and strength.So yes DARTS is a sport by YOUR definition but not by mine.
  7. i dont think they would have a choice
  8. plus the brokerage fees....so 6% + 1%......yikes.
  9. i want to laugh but its no laughing matter.....thats brutal....and sounds like they-in their desperation---chose that manner to sneak in another huge tax increase.
  10. I think people from NF and ST Catherines ONT identify more with Buffalo than Toronto
  11. we need to play one game/yr in Guelph
  12. 'these'? extremists.....wow this 51 yr old guy is multiplying fast. One guy...maybe every few years--and its turning into an army of extemists.
  13. hey i agree with you....but it wouldn't hurt my feelings if someone threw them off a cliff. I actually lean toward being anti-death penalty--because #1 it rarely is used--10,000 murderers and maybe 70 are executed.#2-I think life in prison is a harsher penalty. #3--even if they are executed it normally takes 20 yrs and is super expensive after all the appeals etc. #4-sometimes DNA evidence can show they that MAY not be guilty.
  14. Anytime a 50 year old is able-even on rare occasions-to win --its not a sport.Golf,Nascar,Bowling.....-These are merely skills-not sports.
  15. I don't know---Jeffrey Dahmer....John Gacey.....-I think its perfectly reasonable to be anti-abortion and Pro death penalty for people like that.
  16. i'm not the only one who misses howard...... at least we still have stern
  17. A horrible act by a supposed pro-life person. Fortunately these occurances are rare.-And the extreme prochoicers will paint it like its a common occurance. Prayers to the family of the Doc. PS--how can a Doc do a late term abortion??--and see a well formed little person/fetus come out....-That I don't get. Early abortions are debatable... but sheesh..
  18. i'd bump Kelsay up to mediocre and schobel down to average(and im being kind)
  19. with the situation in California right now--I highly doubt ANY public funds would get approved in any municipality there. It better be a private deal.
  20. ...Browns '64(maybe the Bills 65--who were a great team). Cleve and Buff have averaged--lets say for argument--5 pro teams between them for the past 44 years. Thats 220 seasons of pro sports. Thats ZEEERO championships. Time is running out. The Geat Harold Camping says the end of the world is in May of 2011. The Mayan calendar ends in 2012. ..The Indians painful world series loss in the 90s--with that loaded team. Norwood. No goal. Sabres injured defense in 06. -And yet ugly deteriorating Detroit.....just a few miles away from the cursed Lake Erie....-is awash with championships.3 NBA titles....4 about to be 5 stanley cups(post '65)...2 world series post '65. 10 titles.
  21. took the words right out of my mouth. Our PRs and KRs were sensational
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