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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. with an average secondary we woulda picked #2 THIS YR
  2. i think one of the best in the league....now lets work on those lines
  3. the fact that he won a golf title with a broken leg proves that golf isnt a sport. And NO Duffy Waldorf never beat Michael Jordan one on one.
  4. Michael Chang? Tiger Woods??-Michael Jordan never lost a one on one basketball game to a fat guy with man boobs.
  5. Our D will be solid if Schobel can return to his former mediocrity. Trent is not one hit away from being concussed out of the league. Compare Jaurons coaching record to Belicheks...and note that they have very similar coaching ability.
  6. Top 10 out of a thousand seasons.........that is brutally hard to be a part of., Bills 89-90 probably got some consideration.
  7. Tiger Woods?? I nominate Rick Musialowski.-Who I think was a superior athlete.At least a bowling ball weighs 16 LBs.
  8. OJ was great at most sports...as was Jim Brown.
  9. I dont think you can murder in self defense
  10. not at age 33 or 37 or whatever he is. and not from powerhitter to zero in one yr. It took Schmidt a couple yrs to decline--and he only played partial seasons the last two.
  11. i wonder why that marble couldnt have been reused somewhere..
  12. -Why don't they just toss the rubble in the river?? -Save the bits of steel of course.Maybe save some money on the project?/ Just a wild thought.Maybe the engineers on here can explain to me why that idea is no good. I'm willing to learn.
  13. get shorty. hound, cuckoos nest,kill a mockingboard----saw/read them all---all excellent in both
  14. my whole point is that religious beliefs are over lapped by or overlap moral beliefs. In fact you make my point. Thou Shall Not Murder.religious and non-religious share this moral belief.And it must be enforced by govt.
  15. QUOTE (Tcali @ Jun 2 2009, 10:38 PM) But the govt often does have to enforce our religious and moral beliefs. I assume that part of your moral belief ..Steely Dan...involves not shooting the counter guy at 7-11 to make an easy buck from the cash register. The govt certainly has to enforce that.
  16. The 'get out of hell free card' applies to all of our sins--according to the Catholic faith. But its not free--it requires genuine remorse and actively asking God for forgiveness. -And perhaps its not completely free-There is purgatory for most of us I think--Catholic and non Catholic.
  17. But the govt often does have to enforce our religious and moral beliefs.
  18. Do you believe that a woman should have the right to an abortion at any stage of the pregnancy?
  19. the pass blocking wasn't that bad last year....in fact it was above average once fatso settled down a bit.(thats the fatso at LT--I know there were other fatsos on the line)
  20. "Granted not everyone who goes to church is like that" phewwwww
  21. He got old.... HMMMMMMM.... Instead of 33 or 34 Simmons says he must be 36 or 37. Barring injury or disease...baseball sluggers do not fall off the cliff at age 37--even if Papi is 37. I hope that he is physically OK.Thats the main thing.-But I don't think he all of a sudden got old-causing his production level to drop off 88%. http://sports.espn.go.com/espnmag/story?id=4223584
  22. GB and Buffalo are pretty close???? huhhh??
  23. How about Dunkirk??....now I know thats not playing fair....
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