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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. the sad thing...he looked dominant for the Bills early on.That first year taking over for Travis he was overpowering and fast.Then he either got lazy or the knee started to go again or a combo
  2. i think buffalo drivers are seriously aggressive. like they really have some place to go...
  3. i dont get the part where he reaches down and the girl is lying on the bed....---how does that tie into chocolate?
  4. before looking at the poll...I didn't realize how many deluded pot smokers we have on this board. Sure sign of a pothead..."It never hurt me". Sad.
  5. -of course he got the huge umbrella policy--because he is rich.
  6. If the families are RICH. Its all about the money.-And don't tell me that the $$ had nothing to do with the fact that he only got a month in jail.
  7. you gotta be kidding me...the USA is playing foreign teams in football?? that will be ugly.. altho you have to asssume there will be a few ex pats out there for some of the tems....still...lmao..
  8. hehe.....definitely a Taurus man......a year and a half year old Taurus from the dealer...on sale for $7999. Only 24,000 miles on that puppy too.
  9. thats very cool Promo..I probbly listened to you back then. I lived in Allentown in the early 80s so was very familiar with the studio there. see what you can find out seems you have some connections.
  10. pioneers no doubt....and massively popular in Japan.
  11. Is that true?? lol....then New York State etal deserve to be in the same financial hell that Califpornia is in.Police and firefighters are grossly overpaid out here...and their pensions are embarrassingly large...But that will have to change soon.
  12. Yeah he may have gotten off because he had millions to pay lawyers with.Joe Shmoe would have gotten 30 days in jail for hitting and killing someone while legally drunk. Hmm.
  13. He had money...paid the family off..the family agreed not to pursue it.End of story. The best justice system that money can buy. -Although Stallworth--based on his actions--is not a COMPLETE scumbag.
  14. then darts and shuffleboard and curling are sports...as long as we have defined our terms
  15. Bullpen---I thought this topic would generate more interest and answers....maybe the board is a bit young...but I thought we had enough over 40s ..oh well. I'm not sure the youngsters ever heard of him--or could conceive of how big this guy was in the market at one time. Cheers.
  16. I remember him being huge in Buffalo in the 70s and 80s.....He was kind of a joke but in a way that made you want to listen to him..If that makes any sense.-I tried googling him but found very little --just a few old radio clips and a bit of reminiscence from the old wgr days. I havent lived in Buff since 83...wonder if anyone has any knowledge of the guys whereabouts. I would figure him to be about in his mid 60s now..mas o menos.
  17. Our DL ratings are higher than our secondary ratings.Say no more.
  18. 9 mil at age 37??? well.........i hope he does that well this year to deserve that consideration
  19. hear hear....-a great skill..like bowling(altho requiring less exertion) or darts or skeet shooting or shuffleboard
  20. congrats young man!!!...my first car--a '67 cougar....-Right after I bought it I made it almost back to my place of work before the thing started spewing weird colored fluids from its tranny. $500 bucks...eventually it ran great.Quick 289 engine.
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