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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. im not so sure about parcells....i think belicheat deserves a lot of credit for his coaching success...parcells had a good yr last yr..gotta give him credit..but he has no provem history of GMing
  2. take her to a restaurant on Hertel..they have music at many places there too...nice place to hang out--neighborhood has improved greatly last 10 yrs.
  3. hey me too...started with reggie jackson and blue moon odom and vida blue etc. Bills,As, Sabres....
  4. completely agree..Moulds was a great player not at all overrated...esp given that he had noodle armed or poor or old QBs throwing to him all his career
  5. ...come on.like we all haven't done those things. HE just got caught.
  6. I hope so. McCartney needs the money. For Gods sake he's an ex-Beatle,we can't let him starve.
  7. well---lets assume its not total BS....WOULD LOVE IT. That would make us 1 yr away from serious contention instead of 2. All we would need to do then is get rid of Jauron ,get one more real DE, and one LB.....and this team would be a SB contender.
  8. I liked the moves. We were stuck with an overpriced fat barely average line. Painted into a corner.We had to make some moves. If peters had shown up in shape last year it woulda made the decisions tougher.So we got rid of the talented fatso and the huge salary and the other lazy less talented fatso....--dumped two big salaries,,picked up a high draft pick....a hardworking albeit journeyman C and a couple of promising young guards. Not bad. I think in the long run we will be better off and at lower cost.
  9. tough stuff dev....sorry to hear that...
  10. i meant in the last year--since they became so boring i lost interest---what a wimpy team;kinda like the Bills but with more talent
  11. cant agree with you about the height issue....he was often inaccurate when no one wwas in front of him..YES---some smart D coordinators made life difficult for him. Tark wasnt a giant?? gee thanks for the info.Tark was maybe 5 9. Ive seen the guy in person. Im 6 1 and and waaaaaaaay taller than the guy--im being nice when i say 5 9.He really is short. But he of course was just a phenomenal athlete. Tark is listed in a few places as 6 ft...But he is 6 ft just like Mike Tyson is 6 ft... Well---how many QBs are NOT blowhards??? Kelly,Elway,Marino....their pictures are nexct to the word blowhard in the dictionary. I like Edwards...-and never questioned his accuracy .I just question his mental toughness/killer instinct when it comes to finishing off drives. I love his mental toughness in the pocket...and his arm is sufficient.
  12. Joe D and reggie weighed about 255-260 tops...-and they were both extremely fast and athletic on the pull. Mike montler--very accomplished finesse guy not overpowering. Joe D was overpowering but was even more athletic than overpowering. Bruce jarvis and montler weighed in at 250-260. They were quick guys. Donnie Green was the biggest at 275. Yes they could run block because they were good to great players--who could move the line but were also smart and very fast at pulling.. Bills 1990ish O line averaged about 300 pounds,...and were not as quick as the 70s squad.-Although they were athletic for their size and were in great condition--kinda like Dockery and the boys were last year...cough gag cough The fat tubs we have had on the Bills the past few years show that size doesnt mean everything..lol--
  13. the rest of rock drummers----but there are far superior drummers to keith moon
  14. i predict 89 points and a 9th place finish in the east...unless theyve picked up some players i havent heard about
  15. new york state thruway food pre 1980
  16. yeah..gotta remember the oj ahmad rashad,wallace francis,jd hill,bobby chandler yrs...wow.
  17. guys with that kinda dough are not financial fools
  18. free admission for anyone dyeing their beard with black shoe polish
  19. uhmm...I am a big Flutie supporter. But I don't necessarily think that his main problem at QB was his size. I rate Flutie as a GREAT athlete and a very good QB....-but his faults really were in some of his judgements on the field and his inconsistent passing accuracy. Tarkenton --a great athlete of nearly the caliber of Flutie-- was the better QB because of passing accuracy and other intangibles. I doubt Tark was 5 10.-so he was maybe an inch and a half taller than Flutie.
  20. equal...electric company was faster/more athletic...SB teams was bigger/stronger
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