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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. economically depressed areas will produce more and better fighters
  2. Kings 07-08 .500 team Kings 08-09 #1 in the lottery(same lineup minus artest)
  3. I wouldnt call them girlfriends.... went out a few times with each of them. These are the two celebs.....and dont laugh... Elvis Presley and Andy Kaufman.OK go ahead and laugh. I'M laughing. The Presley one was an older woman brief fling(she was 15 yrs my senior--I was about 30 at the time).The other was a girl my age..from the 80s.
  4. If I had to take any QB now it would be Matt Ryan in a New York second...even over Brady due to age/injury factor.
  5. ridiculous...Jauron is waay too mediocre to be the worst.
  6. hey i was in the same situation......25 yrs ago...If you dont really like her and you are just dating her because she is hot.....then get rid of her ASAP. It won't end well.--I am assuming you are in your 20s.
  7. Its about right place right time/.Of course he doesnt deserve it. Look at the Bills offensive and defensive lines last year.Only Stroud deserved big money. It has little to do with deserving.
  8. we keep smerlas we win the SB..nice job Levy. stick to coaching. forget about personnel.
  9. the rich get richer...artest can score and is a tough tough rodmanlike defender
  10. huh? his prime yrs were in the cfl..where he was one of the greatest of all time. He was plenty good as an NFL starter even at ages 35-38. He was a great athlete who needed to be on the field. He could have been an excellent QB in the NFL were he to have spent his prime yrs there.The fact that he was a very good NFL QB at his advanced age proves that. Was he a great NFL QB--of course not.--But to suggest him being a #2 is silly......well Steve Young was a #2....but that doesn't count.
  11. I know this chick who played a hooker in one of the episodes. -her career hasn't flourished..
  12. pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase dont f it up WNY officials. At least its not in Erie County so that risk is slightly lower...-
  13. hehe..............................but i think we purged a couple fatsos from last yrs o line......---- its up to Trent. Does he play like concussion Trent or not?
  14. His exact words were " do it... do it... do it til your satisfied.......whatever it is..."
  15. Hemp makes great products. The best rope and very nice clothing........AND good food.
  16. accchhhhh..... Those young kids today with their juke boxes and hooped skirts wasting their lives away at the malt shop. They have no respect for their elders.. They're wild.Primitive.
  17. oi vay... 56/100= .56 .56<1 56/100 %= .56/100...which is less than one percent....which as a matter of fact..when added to 99 and 44/100%=100%
  18. u just dont get it...save your judgments....they were mislead and lied to. If you believed you could get a higher rate of return on your money you would go for it too. Someone might be promising you 9%. Maybe thats greedy as well. Esp if you get ripped off--according to your logic. You can't proclaim yourself the judge of what is greedy and what isnt. Those people got duped.And they have as much right not to be ripped off as you . They likely worked very hard for their money. They deserve none of what happened to them.
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