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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. no I'm not...but he was practically a cripple by then...I dont judge Gayle sayers by his post knee injury seasons. Quality over quantity.
  2. he still sucked....welll...i take that back....he sucked at rushing the passer...and was Fair at stopping the run
  3. just make sure we accidentally lose the game film of him from last year
  4. mmmm......the Bills were awful at run blocking last tear. Then they would run it into the line for 3 straight plays??.The coach-I assume realized how weak we were.I don't blame the O line for the coach playing it safe to that absurd level.
  5. i guarantee you are under....uhmm ...50--because that is a ludicrous statement.You didnt see the guy play.
  6. And Jackson wont stay on the field like a moron...?...
  7. if Jeff dahmer is a 10 she is a solid 7
  8. yeah i hear ya man.....u were right to post both.
  9. hmmmm...speculation....-it sounds like an ugly story whichever way it turns out
  10. Starr played from 56-71 Namath played from 65-77 Tark played from 61-78 Therefore Starrs career 'overlapped' the career of Namath and Tark(it overlapped Namaths career by 6-7 yrs and Tarks by 10 yrs)altho his general era was slightly earlier.
  11. if it wouldnt go to the patriots...id say the giants need to give that SB trophy back
  12. oh i thought they were talking head coaching....i actually think Fewell and Schonert are good coaches,April is OUTSTANDING,and of course Jauron is mediocre.
  13. I think you are mixed up with your generations. Namath and Tarkenton were of the same generation. And starr overlapped their generations.
  14. ..45 seconds left in the half. Bills have the ball on their 47. All their time outs left. When will Dick pull a Jauron?-We all know what that means .Running the ball into the center of the line 3 times--running the clock out. Now of course there are variations on the score/situation.But in 98% of the situations a winning team aggressively goes for 7 points and maybe settles for 3. So...when will Dick pull a Jauron?? 1st game?? 2nd game?? 3rd game??
  15. Maybin HAS TO pan out. Critical.If not we again have the worst DEs in the game.
  16. There is no Dorkier coaching in the NFL than Jauron. He did-however,manage to coach a team with mediocre line talent to a 7-9 record. Some coaches would have done worse.
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