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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. or narcissistic personality
  2. The Pats vs Bills 07 may have been the biggest slaughter Ive ever seen on a football field.Could easily have been 80-0. A healthy Schobel and Kelsay were allowing Brady to have tea and crumpets and a light nap while choosing which wide open receivers to throw to. When it was 30-0 or something Jauron was still playing it safe. Maybin better be good.
  3. wow--and read the linked article...scary guy...a psychopath
  4. Nothing more self righteous than a man who claims Jesus is responsible for millions of deaths. Wow-you are so much better than than those dummies who go to church.
  5. holy pajeevers.... we better be a lot better than last year just to go 7-9
  6. i been to nude beaches before..shrinkage i tell you!
  7. Losman McCargo and Williams are the 3 horror stories there.the rest aren't bad.
  8. its called MONEY for the state/local govts..Compare what you save on your ins vs the cost of the course. As far as driving school for a ticket...in CA you can send for a multiple choice test in the mail vs sitting in class(in most counties anyway)
  9. i went to that Teds---it wasnt very good..maybe a fluke..but..
  10. never saw the man try to injure with a hit...unlike some slime players
  11. nevada,arizona or maybe the central valley of ca
  12. u can buy one MUCH cheaper on the internet....I mean thats what Ive heard..
  13. That was my typical weekend in the late 70s early 80s(with other things substituted for the Bills game) . Aaaaah to be young again......-I feel like crap now if I dont get my 8 hrs of sleep.LOL
  14. local pizza places..phenomenal pizza almost everywhere in western new York lazing on a sunny afternoon on a sidewalk cafe on hertel clarence center,village of williamsville,east aurora wings and hockey at wiechecs the terrific high end restaurants(very comparable to what we have in SF and the napa Valley) The many beautiful Catholic Churches Down to earth people(in general--every place has its arsehats)
  15. being arrested 3 times means he was drunk driving probbly 70 times. Just the odds. Hurt or kill someone Bruce--and you will get 30 DAYS!!--I'm warning you!..oh plus an out of court settlement of 5 million.
  16. i took piano lessons there in the late 60s early 70s..thought it was kinda cool--nuns in full habit and all...but have no idea what they do RE lawn fetes
  17. I dont find Curb that funny. Cant touch seinfeld. Once in a while David can be funny when he is being a total arsewhoole..but mostly in seems forced.
  18. Have to disagree.Just because he disagreed with the assumption doesnt mean he suggested it was not murder suicide.I believe he disagreed with the notion of guessing.
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