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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. Like the alcoholic...New York state needs to bottom out.
  2. i think our run d --at least last yrs --was decent...its the rush of course thats the ???...
  3. she was functioning?? I think your diagnosis may be wrong. Anyway alcohol and perhaps drugs is a bad combo---sounds like she had some kind of psychotic break.
  4. sad but true for practically all of us.......BUT when you are in a position of authority like that..its stupidity x10
  5. Briscoe was an amazing football talent. all pro receiver and coulda been an all pro QB...or an all pro DB.
  6. The Cop was definitely a creep. The way she stood on one leg and counted endlessly showed she was very sober. Like she was hiding a knife..LOL.
  7. she didnt age real well -i saw her in the mid 80s in the bay area--i mean she was just very average looking 45 yr old then--not the absolute knock out she was in the 60s. altho she looks like a regular 68 yr old now i guess.Time marches on.
  8. No--we don't want Govt run health care.YES we do need some reforms.- There are a few main issues that need to be dealt with. -Citizens shouldn't fear the loss of health care when they get laid off-There must be some reasonable option for them to buy into.--This is especially true when one has a pre-existing condition.People live in fear over losing health insurance in these situations.-I have lived thru this situation and I know many others who have. A few reforms that would be helpful.. 1.People not working for large companies or for some govt entity should be allowed to buy into insurance pools to reduce their rates. Coverage for single individuals is ridiculously expensive. 2.Pre-existing condition exclusions should be eliminated---with certain regulations(individuals should not be able to shirk buying insurance for years--and then buy in when they get catastrophic illness or injury-there can be controls there ) 3. Insurance should be able to be obtained across state lines--leading to greater competition and better pricing.As of now you must buy within your own state.
  9. THATS NOT RIGHT!!!!--Bringing a fake bomb into an airport. Do his friends bring fake bombs into an airport?? He's like a crazy person!!
  10. which is why--i repeat---we need to move to the forefront in biomed research..UB already does well in its partnerships in that area...but we need to expand
  11. Lynch--but he better do well. But I love the way Lynch plays.He motivates himself.
  12. true but not the reason they suck.They suck because they suck.Most GMs didnt like JP from the start and they were right. ALTHOUGH----with magnificent coaching he may have turned into a good QB. Harrington was just awful and no coaching was gonna help him.
  13. wow...close call.....I would say Harrington by a harr.
  14. hopefully that has changed a bit this year...we can see where the comfort zone has gotten us---comfortably in mediocrity.. Yikes our D and O line signings over the last 5 years...uggggggggggggggggggly. I think we made some smart moves this year though. Next year the total focus should be on LBs and DEs. Bills in 010!!!
  15. I give a 10 to whoever really brought in TO.6MIL for all the sales and publicity they are gonna get not incl the on field production?? You kiddin me? TO is gonna generate about 30 MIL for the Bills as well as making them a better team.
  16. excellent news................. now we just need a company like genentech to move into buffalo....The future is in biomeds
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