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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. we need 2-3 new very solid front seven players next yr.Then we could be contenders.
  2. -a crime against the english language
  3. Any good chicken recipes? Specifically for chicken breasts. I'm in a rut.
  4. sounds promising...and i cant stand most TV.
  5. I'm good friends with a 62 yr old who could kick most peoples arse-no matter the age.Ex navy seal.6 2 230. 20 yr olds -exc for the obvious cases in football-- are not that strong yet. A 50 yr old truck driver will kick some college punks arse any day.-- That being said--you are right young punks have no right to be physical with ANYONE over the age of 30--just as a matter of respect. Respect your elders.-Esp since you may get an arse whoopin.
  6. San Jose is the backwoods of the Bay Area. You just dont hear much about it exc when there is silicon valley company news
  7. uhmmmmm...I still get the Cutler-like screw up vibe from Rivers.
  8. I agree...Manning had one good 2nd half to go with a killer D front 7. And I agree that Big Ben is the only guy who would be successful on this Buffalo team.
  9. everything together by the end of preseason?? ????????????????? Lets hope everything comes together by the 8th or 9th game. Come on the O line was completely changed and reshuffled. Lets stay in reality.
  10. the same DEs as last year.Are we?? Dont get me wrong.I like a lot of our moves this year. But we are still a year away even if Maybin plays and does very well.-After that I figured we were 2-3 solid front 7 players away from contention.So '010 coulda been the year.-Lets hope we arent waiting til 011 now.
  11. people are punishing OJ for the murders OJ is the second best running back of all time behind Jim Brown. There may be some arguments that a few people are tied for 2nd with him.But thats it. Once in a lifetime talent level. And a murderer. The people who claim that Thurman was a better back than OJ(only TBD members-no sane person from another city would say that) using the blocking etc are really delusional.And most of them didnt see OJ play game in game out. That said-- the question of who is the 'GREATEST BILL' is open for interpretation.And picking Jimbo is understandable.
  12. narcissistic personalities are often very successful people
  13. i was a dumba$$ 20 yr old once...dont remember punching out a cabbie though
  14. that was terrific...wow the old NFL players....football takes its toll... Thannks
  15. of course he dissed hansen and wright often in radio interviews......of course he didnt mention them by name. But his whole premise of being the greatest of all time was that he was double and triple teamed and had little help....hmmmmm--- U shoulda heard him interviewed on Sac CA radio
  16. WAY too premature??..I know what you meant Dean. But we speak englich round here.
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