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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. nonsense...most people just think he was grossly overrated --and is now practically non-existent as a passrusher.We resent not having a passrush;)
  2. Edwards could use a stronger arm...but thats not the main problem at present.His arm is sufficient to get the job done--as was Brian Sipe's,Billy Kilmer's,Johnny U's,Joe Montana's,etc etc. He just needs to develope more fire,more killer instinct...more mental toughness. QBing is more about refusal to lose than about IQ. Case in point--Joe Montana,Terry Bradshaw,John Elway,Dan Marino,Jim Kelly.None of those guys is heading to a mensa meeting.Ever.
  3. so true...just think what they coulda done without the cocaine
  4. I actually agree with you somewhat on this one Simon. I have always thought of him as an above average coach though.Highly overrated and thought of as an effup until the Steelers stole that SB. That being said it is so frustrating watching Jauron and his anal retentive/mediocre coaching -it would be really great to see Cowher out there at least yelling at some people.
  5. I doubt it. The guy is amazingly quick off the start for a big guy...but guys 6'4' start pulling away at about the 50.And if you look at Bolts races he blows them out starting at the 50.That being said I'd say 4.05 or 4.1---and thats absolutely insane for a 6 4 guy.-Thats absolutely insane for a 6' sprinter. I would love to have seen him run against Bob Hayes---who had been unofficially timed in the 8s for the 100 yd dash..and whose split in the 4x 100 is the fastest in history.in other words he was running at the highest speed a human had ever run(in modern times-u never know about the waaypast). Having treated a few olympians in my day...and having talked to them extensively...NONE of the track and field medalists are clean now(since the late 80s).And that includes all the household names. I'm not sure what they were doing in Bob Hayes' day.
  6. When you say that someone is overrated...and is largely ineffective on the rush..-it isn't spewing hatred.Its giving an opinion. I have always thought that he is a hard worker and at one time was a solid but highly overrated DE.No hatred for the guy. Its just that many people react to the 'oh wait til Schobel gets back' or the Schobel pro-bowl comments with a bit of disdain after seeing him be largely invisible for many years out on the field. Many also think that his sack totals from several yrs back weren't a reflection of his overall effectiveness:That he garnered many cheap sacks at inconsequential times. That being said--best of luck to him for this season.The guy works hard.
  7. whats her opinion on like global warming?
  8. cloak rooms elevator operators people comfortable without their cell phones silence
  9. only if she plays the mandholin
  10. Yes--but we need to find out if we are a 7-9 joke or a 7-9 improving /lose the close ones/hang in there with the good teams team.
  11. Its up to edwards and the front office. If TE pans out and the front office gets some serious D front 7 help we will contend. Our skill positions are just fine with the ?mark being Trents development. I like our off season moves;because we were in an impossible situation and moved to a situation where we are 1-2 seasons away from possibly contending.
  12. Schobel is still decent against the run
  13. Everyone jumps to conclusions in the first 3 weeks of the season. SB contenders are declared. -And as usual 70% of the teams looking good the first 3-6 games of the season look like hell by game 9. And vice versa. There are a few sure bets..NE and uhmmmm....hmmm..I really meant a few. The baltimores and the Jacksonvilles and even now the Colts and the Cowboys.You don't know if these teams are going to be 12-4 or 7-9. Even PITT could end up 8-8 this year.
  14. I wouldn't worry about Trent's pocket awareness ..unless he gets another concussion. He is very aware in the pocket.Thats his strong suit.
  15. 7-9...as sure as the sun sets in the west
  16. Gruden or Cowher. Both solid coaches who are FIREY.Buffalo needs FIREY!!!! Holmgren---awful GM Dungy-an improved version of Jauron Shannahan---hmmm tempting...probbly choice #3
  17. yeah..interesting. But in fact..I think sack totals whether on D or O for an individual should only be considered as a small part of the picture. I think anyone with football savvy can in general tell whether an O lineman or D lineman is doing a good job. Pressures,involvements in plays,proper positioning,disruptions,efficient routes to the QBs RBs etc. etc. And further--giving up one nasty sack-even when it is the O linemans fault-or having one huge sack- doesn't necessarily mean that the player(s) are having a good or a bad game.
  18. he wont get fired this year..no way..he is way too mediocre to be bad enough for Ralph to fire him
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