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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. yes. I think in the long run we are better off. This line isnt gonna really gel til mid season. Its the coaching and the QB that have me worried at this point.
  2. that way during the play he can grab a gatorade from the sideline
  3. right on Silver...The D is above mediocre...and the O is below mediocre...at least last yr they were.Equalling a mediocre team.Thing is we have very very good offensive weapons...and not terrible pass protection.Something is wrong in denmark.
  4. flutie was the only very good QB of that group
  5. kay stephenson was actually a decent coach who was given no talent by ralph
  6. belicek better not gameplan us. hes asking for it if he does
  7. I really think this team has talent-with some obvious holes. Thats why its tough to say that this is as bad as i have seen a Bills team look.
  8. hehe--I actually knew someone who lived in Shongaloo.She was a prison guard.
  9. me too--im 51 and have had a few spinal surgeries...but im still strong and quick
  10. Just turned the game on............................................................First time in Steelers territory??? Holy s..lol
  11. This line will take at least 8-9 games to gel.Did anyone expect any different?
  12. hard to disagree with those picks.....-but somehow i still see us at 7-9
  13. Thats awesome!. I remember seeing VL at the old rockpile when he was coaching the Redskins.I think it was preseason---and his young Redskin team happened to be very very talented. I walked down and stood outside that old fence and just kinda stared at the legend-I was 12 and in awe. He was just standing there..very relaxed--at the very end of the bench. -Things were so different in 1970 or 1969--whenever it was. Nowadays preseason would be so intense he would be surrounded by reporters and mikes and he would have a headset on...-Back then he was relaxing during the preseason.Smiling like he didn't give a damn who won--because he didn't.
  14. I like Andre a lot.But I believe both Carter and Brown were better receivers than him--slightly.And most people outside of Buffalo would agree with me. Still think Andre deserves to be in though.
  15. yeah.. a major figure...i think he spent his life trying to make up for chappaquiddick.....did a lot of good--working with disabled etc
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