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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. he used to play for the bills.really good at catching bombs..but now they only throw one pass over 40 yds every three games or so--cuz its not safe
  2. again those numbers are meaningless without knowing the amts and the interest rates
  3. Drizz those arent your rates really. If I could hear some specifics about the interest rates and amts I may be able to give you some advice. I have done student loans and tons of lines of credit in my student and business life.--Altho as far as recommending good companies to change to DC TOM may be your man. I know how to strategically plan though.But need more info about you...job etc.
  4. we had complete smoke cover 2 days ago here in nocal but probbly from the yosemite and monterey fires...but you never know we have had smoke from LA fires before
  5. there is usually a 30 day wait time on natural disastertype ins
  6. bachelor party in Vegas.......nudge nudge wink wink say no more say no more...
  7. true but we do need some more talent brought in next yr on the front 7 if we want that defense to be playoff caliber
  8. we all (exc for a couple of people on this board) know this. But we figured we could work around it til Maybin gets going and until we can dump our 2 present DEs and get another FA and High draft pick DE next year. The O line needs a lot of work......but the real problem is Ralph/Jauron..and the concussed Trent.
  9. Uhmm..ever see old pics of ralph?? He was a pretty tough looking guy.Hes not a geek.-That being said he has been a mediocre owner.
  10. Sounds reasonable to me...apology accepted.I dont think he meant it. Just a young kid screwing up.
  11. I'd never bet against the Bills.But if I did I would jump all over that line.
  12. I really dont care if we win a single game in preseason. But we at least need a good series or 2 from the offense along the way.-Thats Marv's Bills did..a few good series here and there.Dont give any secrets away.Knock the rust off. Give us a glimmer of what is ahead.
  13. Without having checked the lines I'm guessing NE by 16. Is that too low?
  14. noooooooooooooooooooooooo.... the guy was an awful gm
  15. Cleveland game was the result of the Arizona game. Cripe lets hope he gets it together. He looked all-pro til that concussion.
  16. Yes. Trent has looked good a lot of times these first 2 yrs. Lets not abandon the guy....sheesh.
  17. I say that the whole league is mediocre enough where we squeeze out 7 wins and Jauron keeps his job.
  18. Dick Jauron is a more mediocre coach than Rich Kotite..and I mean that in a good way
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