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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. Not a fair question because all teams are solid at O line
  2. interesting DH....yeah we have gotten a very sanitized view of things there methinks....
  3. mmmmm...I just got a call from Lemieux then another one from Orr...--but if i had a vote its Gretzky by the width of an electron over those two.
  4. holy s sounds like a stanford cal game from the old days
  5. hmmmm...ok...sounds strange that there are no clauses in such a trade.....-call me cynical
  6. well...i guess nothing....but i was just thinking about the reality of such a trade....and there would be no reality unless the NE/OAK trade is called off. Of course Schobel,Roscoe and a 4th do not equal atop 5 let alone a top 10 pick.--Those 3 together = a second rounder--with most of the value being in the 4th and in Roscoe
  7. sadly back then all you had to do was walk into the cockpit
  8. because people didnt know--they thought they were JUST getting hijacked...and they had the boxcutters up to the flight attendants throats and probably used it---with the threat of using it again. But I do get your point.There were no Chuck Norris's on the plane.--But I really think people had no clue til it was too late.-they coulda killed the pilots right off--and unless there was someone on the plane who could fly--people had to just hope it was a sick hijacking.
  9. dont worry..obamas health care plan and cap and trade will fix it.keep your drunk eye on whats going on now...its sad that you have to drag up the past to justify your views.
  10. But you know if an abortion doc or a pro abortion activist were killed the media would be having a field day and blaming all the pro life people en masse
  11. if he doesnt go then the trade w/ne is probbly cancelled
  12. I'm not sure there is another sport in which one player was without argument the greatest...all due respect to Wilt ,Oscar and a few others.
  13. how are those recreational drugs working out?
  14. very good player....-wonder how he'd do without all that protection
  15. main thing i want to see is the loss of our anal retrentive style of play..go for broke...we arent gonna win the SB anyway so we may as well be exciting.Pleeeeeeeeeeease no 7-9 mediocrity with us squeezing out boring wins over bad teams.
  16. -I mean from spring practice on. Belichek coaching our players(team) and Jauron coaching NEs players(team). I'd say its an even game. Home team favored by 3.
  17. less sense of doom....less sense of forboding re: the chance of being completely humiliated on national TV...and less build up of anger over the fact that we wil very very likely get outheadcoached severely.
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