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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. hmmm....is it my imagination or does NE look old?
  2. d line has been ok...sheesh...--but u r right...lets not have them be fried too soon
  3. Maybe Dick is telling the players something in those meetings that inspires them too. Maybe he’s got a bag of tricks up his sleeve that he hasn’t shown us yet. I hope he does, because I can’t bear to watch his “Deer in the headlights”, “fish out-of-water”, “Michael Jackson zombie-eyed” face for another season ……unless of course they are winning. --love it
  4. well--whether or not being well rounded is important is a difficult argument. Some players are so great that they would be wasting their toime being well rounded--as it would take away from their greatness.-Hell if we reeeeeeeeeeeaally wanted OJ and Jim Brown to be well-rounded we would have had them on special teams(OK extreme example to make a point..but I think you catch my drift) that being said--I think Gretzky,Lemieux and Orr were on a higher level than any other players. They completely dominated the sport. Not just starring;not just spectacular--but complete domination.
  5. right on Kasper. The Cincy play today...plus those Bills debacles--were no fluke.There were lots of mistakes that led up to those 'flukes'. Ralph--you need to pay your head coach as much as you pay Kelsay or Dockery or Walker or Schobel.
  6. I'd be happy to see the Bills play with enthusiasm and hit very hard.Thats plus Trent not playing/Jauron not coaching like they are constipated.
  7. -a win would be amazing--but I can't think of a more unlikely place to do it--w/ poss exc of at Pittsburgh
  8. 22................I didn't abruptly stop--I just started hating being around a bunch of drunks at bars/clubs.-And esp in a place like Buffalo--most of the bars /clubs were for the very young(in the late 70s early 80s).You started feeling old at 25 in most of them.
  9. hmmm...tough call--i dont think he had possession but his hand wasnt separated from the ball-so officials did what they had to. close.
  10. -interception return----Thought the guy may have fumbled before he was out of bounds.That would make it Chicago ball if the fumble broke the plane of the endzone--lets see the ruling
  11. youre right you cant blame the corner..but you can blame the Safeties.Sheeesh you gotta stay behind people..You dont all converge on the ball.Thats how things like that are allowed to happen . In addition to the poor DB play --what about that clock management from hell?? Teams like the Bills and Bengals are snakebit more often than most teams because they do dumb stuff that leads them to the snakepit.
  12. and with dockery blocking for him..hard to imagine
  13. ...and you know...it wasn't just the tipped pass...it was TEN other major clock management mistakes in the last minute--incl a foolish challenge(sound familiar??)
  14. stats--the last resort of a scoundrel. Lemieux and Orr were equal to Gretzky in talent.They were all completely dominant players. Gretzy was less injured. Kareem and Wilt were not as good basketball players as Jordan.
  15. Its not a double standard by definition because the threat of force is completely different in the 2 circumstances
  16. homogenous low population countries...-Their system would probably work well in Utah
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