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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. Jauron has an IQ of probbly more than 140.He is still football dumb.
  2. football team?? I would say maybe when Flutie was QBing but you still had Wade on the sidelines--making horrible real time decisions re: clock mgmt and replays. I would have to say since the Kelly years.15 years without an intelligent football team. Ralph--pay your head coaches.
  3. was worse than ours. But the reasons are the same. Poor coaching.Horrendous clock management.
  4. oh it will stop---like some day purgatory will stop for those poor souls--but not soon......not soon
  5. thats true leodis goes in there and fights for the extra 2 yds again--im surpised he didnt cough it up again
  6. fewell did great til the prevent defense at the end..LOL AVP was fine Jauron as usual gets out maneuvered at the end
  7. true someone else would have blown it......we dont haver a coaching leader out there--altho i like avp
  8. Jackson Starrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  9. i think bell is doing OK---lottsa talent--hes learning
  10. yeah he's dipping his left foot in the bay
  11. ZERO pressure on Brady.......u cant do that
  12. Kelsay and schobel good first 2 series...now invisble as ever.We need more Maybin.
  13. St looks shakey---but if Moorman is gonna shank one that was probbly the best area to do it
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