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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. looks like a big SS or an average sized LB to me
  2. Just in the last 30 minutes I've improved.Apathy has set in as well. I won't get fired up til 5 minutes before the game Sunday.
  3. Should have my mental health restored somewhat by wed or thurs.1-3 days is normal for me. How about YOUS guys? How long does it take you to not be royally PO'd anymore after a loss?
  4. right on BB...Well coached teams don't lose games in the manner that the Bills do.Cheapo Ralph..saving a few mil on them coaches
  5. i cant listen--im going thru the process of eliminating this game from my consciousness. It will take about 1-2 days.then I'll be fine til next week. its a ritual.
  6. we need an exorcist for Ralph so he'll stop hiring head coaches on the cheap
  7. they did well...until that last drive ...--already an improvement over the slobs from last year
  8. he is fast...lonnnng way to go though--esp if he only tries to get to Brady via Marthas Vineyard
  9. yeah this addiction is as bad as heroin
  10. thats exactly what i meant Simon. yah got me there.
  11. no we didnt lose because of him. we allowed them to score two touchdowns in the last 5 minutes. we totally mangled the clock in the last minute. we acted like our fellow travelers--the cincinnati bungles. it never ends.
  12. this is really not healthy...its sad actually
  13. im glad you monitored what i saw i said he had a good game.
  14. i think great is stretching it a bit..he was good--kinda disappeared there toward the end.
  15. its always just one more....like the heroin addict....or the one last chance for the wife beater
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