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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. u have somewhat of a point there....he didnt make a great play on it...we can agree there
  2. yeah--hes a great coach...didnt u know??
  3. that wasnt TOs fault--poofy late throw
  4. gotta admit--this is the best I have seen Schobel play in many years.Not just the sack but consistent pressure.
  5. the worrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. i could also leave fletcher(our awful LBs not withstanding)..he is a tackle machine but those tackles usually take place 5-10 yds up field. Barely above average LB IMO. Adams was a talented fatso who played hard about 50% of the time.
  7. the kings/lakers game is a scary example..you could see that whole game being manipulated. cost the kings a title
  8. This is an ESP thing. Early 80s..Delaware Park.. Was getting ready to take a jog to be followed by an afternoon of hoops down at the courts. There was/is a golf course there(not much of one). This lady was about to tee off. There was this couple 50 yds or so off at a severe angle from her to the right. Just as she started her backswing I KNEW that the lady in the couple was gonna get hit on the head with the golf ball. Sure enough...the ball smacks the lady on the head.Forunately she didn't go down in a heap--but I don't know how bad she was hurt ultimately. One in a million.
  9. yukkk what garbage....rosenfels is the best option because garcia will be 40
  10. James Brown was a Carolina fan.Ain't that a groove.
  11. That was the saddest endorsement of a QB I have ever heard. And by 'sad' I am not negatively reflecting upon the logic of what you write.Its just sad that it comes down to putting Trent in there once the running game improves so he doesn't have to stupidly check down in a situation that won't benefit from the checkdown.
  12. no. no surprise. Houston is the better team....but I think the odds will shrink as the week goes by...to BILLS + 1
  13. hehe....But of course I feel terrible for the young lad...cough...
  14. I think Trent has way more potential.But yes Fitz plays gutsier. Sad that Trent has become Jauronized.-And I agree the QB we need isn't on the roster. -I thought Trent could become a very solid system QB in this league--with savvy and intellect to make up for his barely average gun.But that's probbly over with.
  15. none....Stroud may have a chance...Moorman has been slightly slipping the past couple yrs
  16. of all the players in the country ..he was chosen 11th...--not giving up on the guy--and I know it takes time--but its disturbing how little he has shown.
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