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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. pretty sad that fassel and haslett are already in the discussion. mediocre and mediocrer.
  2. thats 'multimillionaire' Jauron .I wish I were that clueless...or lucky financially...
  3. getting open every play isnt doing your job?? How about we get a QB who can throw and some coach who can gameplan. What an incredible waste of our 2 great WRs.
  4. and a guy who was open all day--i think anyone with REAL competitive spirit--unlike the little lambs on our roster now--would be PO'd and show it on the field. Hurrah for TO. He's not the good little soldier loser like 1/2 this team is.
  5. Ralphs manservant is drawing his bath and fixing him a hot toddy as Ralph looks over the days receipts with glee.
  6. not really. it was a group effort. I was just pointing out the good news that he isnt signed to a big contract.
  7. yeah you are probbly right--only pointing out the fact that Jauron shoulda been fired last year.
  8. At least we didn't sign Trent to a 4 yr 40 million extension after the first 4 games last year.
  9. yeah I actually feel bad for the guy...and for our fans--that we have 2 of the best deep threats in the league and no QB who can get them the ball. TO AND the fans are getting ripped offf. This shoulda been a fun year.
  10. What you say is very logical.........but...--hmmmm...we still shoulda tried
  11. 1.Jackson 2.Evans 3.Byrd 4.McGee 5.TO 6.Stroud
  12. completely disagree with you
  13. True. But dont forget the numerous little mistakes that lead up to that situation.The QB sneak for the quick 3 and out tiring the D. etc etc etc
  14. I think this squad of boy scouts needs TOs attitude.
  15. with a decent QB TO has a huge day--he was burning the coverage all day. TO still has it.We have awful QBs who cant get him the ball.I'd be frustrated if I were him.
  16. exactly--TO was wide open twice in a row and Trentdown couldnt get him the ball.
  17. exc run by jackson,,,checkdown...wimpy sneak.... great
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