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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. on #1 eliminate the word 'basically'. and its 'brought' not 'bought #10 'frozen ' not froze 2nd sentence of #8 'about where it will be located' instead of 'whether it be located'
  2. This is the same Bills team that played Trent when they shouldn't have been. Don't give the Bills the benefit of logical decision making.
  3. most QBs improve with time...Trent has spiralled downhill since his concussion. He is a shell of what he was out there his rookie and early second season. Yeah he sucks now...but he had potential to be an above average starter in this league.No more.--And Jauron didnt help him at all either. combo of bad things
  4. i agree...the san diego game he was 'ok' but his brain was still too fragile...the Bills organization ruined what could have been a solid but unspectacular system type QB who knew his limitations.....against the warnings of many us. After concussions your brain cannot properly tell your body what to do.Sad.
  5. billick is a year and a half younger than shanny
  6. they barked up the wrong tree when they picked him at eleven if thats all they expected from him
  7. Leach would be great for Buffalo and the team.-But he and AVP might be mistaken for eachother occasionally.
  8. So true...TBs amazing fall this year of course doesn't register in the minds of those who hate Gruden.And the best one is 'he won with Dungys team'...cough. Yeah he won the SB when Dungy couldn't. I watched him very closely--being in the bay area at the same time he coached the raiders. He did a great job with the Raiders.
  9. great link Bills_fan.... I have a close friend who travels to China monthly to purchase clothing from factories. She says it is like hell as soon as you get out of the big city downtowns.Unbelievable poverty and pollution.
  10. Leach is a helluva coach. We'd be lucky to get him.
  11. lets not waste 2 seconds on the guy...unless he wants to start some business in Buffalo and create a few jobs.
  12. joe ferguson weighed about 180 during his playing days--Mr.CHANDLER you should know better he threw lottsa passes to you.
  13. pay it then take traffic school...you can have a multiple choice test sent to you in most cases--will wipe out the point
  14. NO. Kelly played on instinct.He was a naturally smart football player who would be driven crazy by the minutiae of playcalling and watching a QB with inferior talent to his try and carry out the gameplan.
  15. maybin and schobel at OLBs.....dear God in heaven...
  16. that is verry cool. musta been a thrill as a kid.--I remember one time Daryl Lamonica came to our little league practice in Williamsville--and was throwing us bombs(im obviously a bit older than you).It was a major thrill for us.He had already been traded to Oakland--and was back in town for a few days visiting..it was summer of '68.
  17. article also mentioned killdrive and haslett...dear Lord....
  18. Mike Martz is a lousy coach
  19. problem is he did a lousy job of being a GM in Seattle...ask anyone from there.
  20. yes we need the GM first and foremost...and it couldnt hurt to get an established big name coach.Ralph doesnt have time to guess/get lucky with an unknown quantity.If we got a really good GM..then yes lets trust his judgement even if it isn't a big name coach.
  21. hmmmm 47-61...thats right in Ralph's wheelhouse
  22. right on---we have had our share of enormous guys who couldnt play
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