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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. i like lynch..but he cant do that like Freddie
  2. schobel just swiped with his arm--he didnt slam him with his pads...crybaby Brady sheesh
  3. still like Fewell for head coach?? that was one foot down only
  4. little reminder that we need D front 7 and OTs and QB...Bills draft anything else...well youd have to shake your head.
  5. problem is...the older cases could be overturned at some point on techicalities or DNA. Gotta try the guy on the new stuff.
  6. schobel and kelsay still the starting DEs?? yikes....time to move on --altho they both had decent years
  7. which is a great basis upon which to use the #11 pick in the entire draft
  8. gotta remember though that Ted invented the foil wrapped baked potato...as well the drink where u mix Rum and coca Cola--called 'The Ted'
  9. lewp--i have heard that WV is a great place to live...cheap housing etc. You concur??
  10. gotta watch for that roidrage PMS combo though....could be fatal
  11. wow cool. By the way-Ted Bell turned a $20 million inheritance into $25 million with his Ted's of Beverly Hills steakhouse.
  12. most things the Bills do are sad. But not hiring Holmgren as a GM isnt one of them. -Why on earth do people think that Holmgren would be a good GM?? His proven record? His record of failure as a coach GM combo?? dont get it
  13. --get the best talent at OT,D front 7,QB. dont even look at anything else LB needs to be in the mix--we are horrible at that position
  14. yes...but it was for a cause i believed in..so no shame but i did do a few things in my youth that i Shoulda been arrested for
  15. of course.......shame it didnt work...--then we get Mr im not a Bills fan...
  16. His POS college coach(Phillips) sold his soul when he let that guy back on the team.-any respectable brother or dad or cousin or uncle of that young lady he dragged by the hair would have broken his leg with a tire iron
  17. someone already did that to Trent..lotta good that did
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